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  1. driphuse

    Whoreable's Threesome

    PH 6.6 should be fine. I grow with purified 6.7. Anything between 6 and 7 should be fine. from what I know the importance of PH level is overrated. Anyhow... they look real nice! Good luck! i'll be watching... ;)
  2. driphuse

    My First and Second True Grow

    Looks awesome mate! It seem like you really knew what you were doing over there, where as i'm still pretty clueless with my new (and first) grow :) Way to go! ;) Looks.... hmm... delicious!! :]
  3. driphuse

    Golden stains on the leaves (new grow) Please help!

    Going to do so ASAP. I sure hope it's the nutes, i'll need to buy loads of fresh water tomorrow ;) Thanks for all your help! :]
  4. driphuse

    Golden stains on the leaves (new grow) Please help!

    Thanks! Will refill the tank with fresh, new water tomorrow. Though... there's just one more issue with one of my other plants: it's leaves started closing into themselves (attached another image). Any idea what's causing this?
  5. driphuse

    Golden stains on the leaves (new grow) Please help!

    I feed them with Cannazym. could that be the problem, or is Not feeding them a problem? :) I'm clueless here... and worried of course.
  6. driphuse

    Golden stains on the leaves (new grow) Please help!

    Hello, We've on our 8th day and today some golden stains appeared on some of the leaves. What is it? what should we do? Help please! Thanks :)
  7. driphuse

    Em & Drip's first grow!

    Taken 20 minutes ago (Day eight):
  8. driphuse

    Em & Drip's first grow!

    Updates: Two fans instead of one + mini air-con New humidity/temperature meter New sets of leaves!!! (YAY :mrgreen:) Today's photos (Day 7):
  9. driphuse

    Stinkbud's party

    You've got a serious forest going on over there :) Looks very nice! :joint:
  10. driphuse

    Em & Drip's first grow!

    Finally! The Mini air-con & humidifier and the minature mist/fog maker has arrived! The setting is nearly ready. Just waiting for the liquid oxygen :mrgreen: I've added some pictures of the full setup. They sure are growing :) Day 6 (taken 20 minutes ago):
  11. driphuse

    Em & Drip's first grow!

    Just as I thought; we've got a serious temperature and humidity problem going on here. I received the meter today and it shows: temperature: 29-32 C humidity: 29-32 % The fog/mist maker and mini air-con did not arrive today, which means they should be here tomorrow (hopefully!). The sooner the...
  12. driphuse

    Grow Journal Contest

    Just started one myself a few days ago. hopefully it'll get better as it progresses :)
  13. driphuse

    Magnus Genetics Warlock Feminine

    Good luck with the new grow! these warlock plants sure do look nice...
  14. driphuse

    First ever grow, grow journal.

    Crossing the for you, good luck mate! :)
  15. driphuse

    First Closet CFL Grow

    Have you already smoked some of it, or are you still drying it? I'd love to know how good it turned. The grow itself looked freaking awesome! I sure as hell wouldn't mind having a taste of that :)
  16. driphuse

    First ever grow, grow journal.

    I've been following your progress since day one (yes, i'm a quiet stalker :roll:) and I must say this is one of the best grows i've seen on rollitup so far. A detailed journal, very helpful, and what seem to slowly become beautiful buds (well, in a short while that is). Very nice mate! I'm...
  17. driphuse

    DWR's 1st Journal - Going BIG !

    Nice man! these look so good I could easily eat them all! :D Way to go mate, you sure did go all the way with this one ;) I bet you can't wait to see how many grams they're gonna yield after they dry out. :)
  18. driphuse

    Em & Drip's first grow!

    Thanks :) Yup, that's right. Growing in soil. BOTTOM: 1" layer of clay pebbles (hydroton) MIDDLE: 5" layer of compost soil TOP: 1" layer of clay pebbles (hydroton) And the top is indeed preventing the soil from drying fast. I should be receiving some new toys today/tomorrow to sort out the...
  19. driphuse

    Em & Drip's first grow!

    They look almost the same as they did yesterday, but still... Day 4:
  20. driphuse

    Em & Drip's first grow!

    Ok, new pictures from this evening (Day 3) and I sorted out the camera focus :) It looks like we've got a little heat and humidity problem. I've placed an order today for a Mini air-con & humidifier and a minature mist/fog maker (I should receive both in a couple of days). The Thermo...