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  1. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    okay here are the new pics of my female... i didnt realize the 3 times growth was still veggy stretch. i cant wait until this bitch crests then i will be a very happy harvester lol :leaf:
  2. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    also i used a whole gallon at 1/4 strength for a week, can i step it up to 1/2 strength now and could this have a better effect? should i hold off until i put it in the 5 gallon bucket and start it at half strength or is it ready for full strength? i will post pics tommorow for all to...
  3. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    bad news guys the plant on the right which i expected to have a gooood yeild turned out to be a male :( so i took the fucker out of the flower spot, its kinda good though now all that light could be for my flowering female. one thing tho i started flowering it about 10 days ago and i barely have...
  4. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    its a good possibility but ive heard that having both spectrums is actually good for the plants but def have more softwhite and only a couple of daylights
  5. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    thanks dude, i try, they are about a week now so i hope ill see some more bud growth. thanks for the props!
  6. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    in all reality i have 222 watts on them 4 26 watt softwhites 3 26 watt daylights, and 1 20 watt softwhite and 1 20 watt daylight bulb :mrgreen:
  7. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    ok so ive had these plants flowering for 3 days so far, the one on the left i already know is a female so thats good. preflowered before switching the lights to 12/12. the one on the right im still unsure, hoping for a female bcuz its super bushy mostly indica i presume. they are under 200 watts...
  8. Genosyde

    HID aint got shit on CFL

    i would have to agree with this person here. cant really say whats better, if there was a cfl bulb that was actually 1000 watts softwhite or EVEN 500 watts softwhite and 500 watts daylight lined up next to each other now THAT would be interesting to see against a 1000 watt hps
  9. Genosyde

    Advice on cfl setup needed veg stage

    i agree, thats way more watts used then a 400 watt hps which will give you better results by far
  10. Genosyde

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    are those feminized seeds? and thats awesome u can do a quick lil emergency grow
  11. Genosyde

    how much will i yield?

    back to the grow. dude, you need to understand a system. if your gonna set your plants up on 12/12 wtf fuck are you talking about putting them on a window sill? is that gonna be for your daylight hours when u switch to flower? are you going to have a watch that is set with this time to put them...
  12. Genosyde

    How do they look?

    you wanna flush for the sake of the taste, you want your leaves around your bud to start yellowing, that shows signs of your buds soaking up all the thc of the plant and absorbing as much as it can and it will go towards the buds making them fatter those last two weeks
  13. Genosyde

    I need a Plan for this wood!

    HAHA :finger: "flip the bird" lmao
  14. Genosyde

    An established member told me my grow was very interesting and to post it...

    wow this is my first time posting on here, first off: the grow is going great dude, keep it up. second, why is everyone taking up this mans thread about something that has nothing to pertain to the mans grow besides everyones personal opinion? and third, does it really matter what you use as...