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  1. Short Term Memory Loss

    Dry ice ?!?

    no problem yet. Plants have been healthy throughout my first grow. I break 10lb. into quarter chunks. place more as each batch melts. i also use sugar and bread yeast in a 2 liter bottle in between dry ice. don't want to make habit of going to dry ice dist every day. :peace:
  2. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Good news the guitar case seed is showing will be all right if i just don't see the ball and stick develop. 16th day of 12/12 here is a picture of elongy. She has a potential of at least 36 bud sites. I don't know how big the lower branch buds will get. here is pictures...
  3. Short Term Memory Loss

    Dry ice ?!?

    hey, I use dry ice. I use an old minnow bucket with a lid ( hole in top and four holes around bottom) and a fan in the room. 10lbs melts in about 24-36 hours. Your best bet is ask your dry ice distributor if you can buy in bulk...say like 50 or 100# and they hold on to it for you and they mark...
  4. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Yeah! I know, leave'em alone at night. But just wanted 1 picture while my darlings are sleeping. I am now down to 3 plants. The slow grower slowly grew into a hermie. I have the one plant that in an earlier post said might be a keeper, is a female. The plant with elongated stem is also a...
  5. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    A lot has happened in 4 days. I had to kill a hermie. I kept checking riu pictures to make sure. No matter how much i tried to deny the pictures. Just had to face the fact and kill it dead. rip. I am now down to 4. 3 from original sprouts. I one seed i found in my guitar case. I have been...
  6. Short Term Memory Loss

    End of harvest Residual % of fertz in bud

    Thanks for the info. My state is going to be legal for medical. nov4. <---leading big time in the polls. I just want to find out information, so i know what i can tell my patients. I will eventually pay a chemist to find out about the product i grow. Plus i will try organics to see the...
  7. Short Term Memory Loss

    End of harvest Residual % of fertz in bud

    question for the journeymen growers (5+) out there in RiU land. I never thought of this till after putting seed into ground. After flush, harvest, cure. What % of chemical fertilizer is lurking in my cured buds. Does said fertz, add to my high? anyone no the answer to this?
  8. Short Term Memory Loss

    Funk #49

    This question is for the journeymen growers (5+) out there in RiU land. I never thought of this till after putting seed into ground. After flush, harvest, cure. What % of chemical fertilizer is lurking in my cured buds. Does said fertz, add to my high. another question. which is better price...
  9. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    I have four females out of the nine seeds i germinated. #1. #2 #3 #4 this is the pot size i am this too small or should i go bigger next grow? plants #1 and #2 seem very stem-e. this is my first grow, so don't know if it is just the plant genetics or light problem. I...
  10. Short Term Memory Loss

    Can i re-use soil?

    10-4 on no re-use! Thank-you! :peace:
  11. Short Term Memory Loss

    Can i re-use soil?

    I was wondering i had to remove two male plants. Soil mixture is 50% peat moss and 50% worm castings. Plus I have been using foxfarm big bloom. Can i re-use this soil for clones. Budget is tight.thank-you in advance. :peace:
  12. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    I found out for sure that i do have 2 male plants. I had never attempted to clone a plant. so here was my first attempt. just plain water and floro. I have taken 7 cuttings from the most hardy male plant. I will try to get them to grow some roots and then once rooted in soil i will dose...
  13. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Cannabis brain on jazz. 2 hour dose of sirius 72. during veg period i played classical music 24/0. I will slowly introduce the jazz over the next few days would not want to scare em, jazz can be intimidating at first. their lovely little juices flowing down when the should be up and up when...
  14. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    A true intellectual stoner. I can't tell you how did you do, because you were already done with the thing you did before i was doing the thing i did to try and understand the do that was {gasp} already done by you.bongsmilie thanks for affirmation on plants. The new growth sure looks a...
  15. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    if picks are 1.2 3.4 5.6 pic 1 goes where pic 3 is. pic 3 goes where pic 5 is. pic 5 goes where pic 1 is. i am a ex-teamster. learned how to do things twice...get paid more that way. :bigjoint:
  16. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Let's see it is day 46 since i sprouted the seeds. I have had one die, do to my neglect. One turned very yellow still growing, but slowly. I pulled a male. The rest are females. I also found to seed in my guitar case, that sprouted and is growing but it is with the 12/12 plants. Not going to...
  17. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Now i just do this when confronted by the police! kiss-ass plants are doing fine. Had a scare yesterday. I left the hepa filter on in grow space and it was drying out the leaves. turned it of and cursed myself and apologized with much contrition. I think the plants accepted my apology. The look...
  18. Short Term Memory Loss

    Diesel Ryder/Snowryder Stealth Grow

    well it took sometime to find..without paying for the information. Cannabis: The Genus Cannabis - Google Book Search page 34 It has been demonstrated (Heslop-Harrison, 1957) that exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide for short periods of time can cause a shift of sex expression from male...
  19. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    been busy with work and other thangs. Will get back to talking about the school later. It's funny i would never go to a school reunion, but for some reason for the last two months i have thought about what went on during my tenure their. the brain, what a strange beast. weather here a night...
  20. Short Term Memory Loss 2?

    damn, that was quick...i hope you ain't that quick in the sack...your mate might not like that! :shock: thank you very much! peace,