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  1. poochdamooch

    Are they finished?? Need advice!

    can some one help me please i have pics whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?
  2. poochdamooch

    greetings growers

    whats up everyone check my grow out in the introduce yourself whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?
  3. poochdamooch

    New to da CHI

    whats up fisherman game at six holla at me give ur #we can chill and watch it my brother from another mother lol
  4. poochdamooch

    wtf help!!!!

    [your a dick. everyone has to learn at some point. let the kid be a kid man. Plus hes on a weed site and more than likely high, I know I cant divide well when I'm high, and I'm far from stupid] U KNOW IT ISNT MY FAULT U DIDNT GO TO SCHOOL B@#$ U CANT COUNT U LIL DUMMY GO LEARN TO COUNT U...
  5. poochdamooch

    600 dollars an ounce?

    I Agree With Yung Mune 4dollars To 4.50 Cents And Thats Getting Raped But Thats The Average Anything I Say Is A Complete Lie And Totaly False Im On Drugzzzzzzzzzz
  6. poochdamooch

    Whats Your Advice

    whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?
  7. poochdamooch

    wtf help!!!!

    This Is Not Really Happening Yall Actualy Replyed To This Person That Dont Know How Much A Quarter Weigh He Got Issues I Need Help With My Girls And Yall Here I Posted Pics And Everything Help Poochdamooch Not This @#$%%%^^^^ Who Cant Even Divide Lol
  8. poochdamooch

    whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?

    Will Someone Please Leave Me Some Feedback On How Long They Need To Flower On The Way These Ladys Look Pics Are Prob. 1week Old So I Will Post Updated Already Started To Give Water No Flowering Nutrients Helpppppppppppppppppppppppppmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  9. poochdamooch

    Finish the sentence above you!

    But The Pig Bit My Finger Off My Hand And I Took His Gun And Shot Him... And Looked In The Trunk.......
  10. poochdamooch

    Finish the sentence above you!

    Smoking,fuking,drinking................................................................................. Just Like Ur......................
  11. poochdamooch

    Man Killed, and im glad.

    I Hope He Would Have Not Been Killed So He Couldve Been Totured For The Rest Of His Days Ive Seen Some Crazy $#%^ In My City Growing Up And This Broke Me Up Im A Dad And I Could Never Imagine Seeing Someone Do That Ikillemaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. poochdamooch

    Finish the sentence above you!

    kill them 2 fat hoes ,drink my forty of old englishand throw that 20 of reggie away . but instead i did it................
  13. poochdamooch

    whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?

    <a href="Picture027.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  14. poochdamooch

    whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?
  15. poochdamooch

    New to da CHI

    well i went to the parade had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!went to the park 8:16 got blitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz holla atcha boi poochdamooch
  16. poochdamooch

    whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?

    i dont know they where bag seed of some pretty good dnd damn near dro seeds i got from sum friends that smoke regie miller me i like kush and haze p.s how do i post the pictures i got in my album up here so u cxan c dem ?
  17. poochdamooch

    whats up every1 first grow need a lil advice?

    well i need help i originaly had about 6 plants some died first 1 was a hermie bla bla bla make a long story short i got two girls i am in about 3 to 4 weeks into flowering i would say since i have lost track dont ask how it will just prolong the story! soi need just a lil advice on how long...