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  1. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Sorry I don't have any chalets or million-dollar views, but I got some Bailey's, warm fire and Hot Chocolate.. close enough? :bigjoint: :cool:
  2. M

    administering cannabis for first timers

    Try get him to sit down with you and watch some videos like the WEED series by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. When you do, have a joint of some nice, smooth, low flavour, high cbd, low thc bud hiding in your pocket.. because if you...
  3. M

    The Daily Nugg,

    :oops: a little embarrassing..
  4. M

    WTf to do

    I guess now you know not to use the cheap shit potting mix. I used to have primo results with this stuff before I switched to coco... I think there's some subliminal messaging in the name.. or it could be just this stuff...
  5. M

    Melbournes 44 C° weather tomorrow

    Nice plant, is that a coco/perlite mix? Must be needing water a couple times a day now?
  6. M

    My Weed Growing Journey

    Oh sharp mate very sharp lol
  7. M

    My Weed Growing Journey

    Oh well shit happens aye mate hope you guys are well clear of those fires man I feel sorry for all you poor buggers going through that shit, you and Cali cop it bad year after year.
  8. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Today I de-nailed and tek-screwed a roof. Corrugated iron roofs are very common here.
  9. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    lol I dunno that's just what everyone calls it here. I thought that was it's only name. I guess you just call it caramel? By the way, we call these scones.. And these are biscuits...
  10. M

    Can someone Help Pls

    Hey bro. If you want guidance on how to build your own LED like this one let me know. It's more efficient than HPS (and way cooler, good for summer:cool:). I know this one looks a bit dodgy with the driver hanging down like that but I needed to take the lights lower than usual and it was...
  11. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    If I didn't help, you just would have been guided by someone else. I didn't do much you basically taught yourself..
  12. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    Yes I think she will, what are you gonna feed her?
  13. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    No don't do it that is a complete waste. Think about how much time it took to grow that thing.. even if you smoked it next week there's no way you can get the proper flavours and effects from it. You really should cure it 2 weeks before starting to smoke it. Be patient.. and whatever you do...
  14. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    It's better to cure in dark containers, or keep your containers in the dark, because light (and heat) degrades everything. A cool dark place is the best storage condition for most things that don't need freezing. I just used a clear one because that's all I could find. It stays in a cool dark place.
  15. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    Sounds like it was a good idea then. Congratulations on a successful harvest.
  16. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    Yeah they're looking nice.. Your set up for the PE looks good, did the water get very dirty?
  17. M

    What did you accomplish today?

  18. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Vladimir the Russian fudge.. :eyesmoke:
  19. M

    What did you accomplish today?

    Transplanted some plants in my mid-bloom-transplant experiment... These are in week 2.. . This one's in week 5 but looks like week 3, she took ages to start blooming... another in week 5ish... Left a couple sitting proud out of the new media.. going for that exposed root look...
  20. M

    How to control odour in balcony grow

    oh probably nothing lol I just use it as an excuse to cut plants down.. Yes that's a good plan.