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  1. WhoDatBeAtMyDoor

    New seedlings, clawing.

    I’d say about 24” away from plants tops rn
  2. WhoDatBeAtMyDoor

    New seedlings, clawing.

    Here’s some photo updates on how the plants are looking. New tops started to curl up showing signs of stress. Also have these girls on a 24h light cycle rn as per advice of one of my friends whose down grows. Heard controversial things about doing it this way so if you think there’s a better...
  3. WhoDatBeAtMyDoor

    New seedlings, clawing.

    I’ve been experimenting with this light, I’ve changed how far away they are from the light several times. I started them as seedlings under the light and judged how close they needed to be by how much stretching they were doing. I went and planted close to cotyledons and have been keeping an...
  4. WhoDatBeAtMyDoor

    New seedlings, clawing.

    ive Heard this as well, do you think it would be anything to hinder the plants yield or anything later on with the plant life?
  5. WhoDatBeAtMyDoor

    New seedlings, clawing.

    Hey guys/gals so I’m new to growing this would be my second set of plants I’m bringing in and they’re seeming to be having a problem with clawing they’re leaves. Also been noticing some other stuff forming on the leaves can’t really decide what it is yet. Any help or info would be greatly...