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    (dinafem) moby dick, and (wos) nl x big bud first auto grow

    srry about the pics im not good at that at all ... plus the cam isnt too good either... i wanna show the frost so bad but i will try later in the grow.
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    (dinafem) moby dick, and (wos) nl x big bud first auto grow

    i have not harvested yet i still have about 2 1/2 weeks on the front two and 3 1/2 on the back two, but they r all doing good the front right is MD1 thats a weird pheno, its short and packed with crystals, smells soo sweet.. the one behind it is MD2 and a week behind and taller than the front...
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    (dinafem) moby dick, and (wos) nl x big bud first auto grow

    been a week so i though i would post some new pics so you can see the progress here is a pic of the 4 plants in the tent, the nlxbb flowering and the moby dick flowering.
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    (dinafem) moby dick, and (wos) nl x big bud first auto grow

    ok another update these things r moving along good so far i just wanted to show the nlxbb flower, all the plants together and the healthy ass roots i got some feed back would be nice...
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    Dr Greenthumbs Freedom 35- seed to smoke journal

    cant wait for the outcome of these, i want to buy these seeds and by the looks of it its progressing fast. 45 days looks like the minimum, but im hoping for 35 .
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    (dinafem) moby dick, and (wos) nl x big bud first auto grow

    its been just about 4 weeks and my nlxbb is starting to flower showing its pistols, and the oldest moby dick is too, i tried to take picture but my cam wouldnt focus on it so im gonna wait a little bit before i take another picture so you can see it better.
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    (dinafem) moby dick, and (wos) nl x big bud first auto grow

    ok here is the nl x big bud auto 3 1/2 weeks old top shot, side shot , moby dick#1 3 1/2 weeks old, moby dick #2 2 weeks old, mobdy dick #3 2 weeks old all autos i had a lil issue in the begining i left for a weekend and the lights got too close to the bottem set...
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    (dinafem) moby dick, and (wos) nl x big bud first auto grow

    I just started 3 (dinafem) moby dick autos and 1 (wos) nl x big bud auto my setup: grow tent 4x4x7 600w hps with sunsystem air cooled hood-for flower 8- 23w cfl for veg 2 each plant a mix of both cool white and 2700k bulbs dwc- (home depot buckets)+air stone nutes: the whole GH line -3...