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  1. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    Just got the Dynagro. Reading here to put only a fraction of a teaspoon per gallon of water. Using a 2 gallon pot. What do you think is ideal for watering? It has a lot of Nitrogen and one of mine is flowering so I was unsure if I needed that much nitrogen.
  2. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    Along with that^, should I flush?
  3. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    My Ph is 7 which seems a little high for a basic solution like Protekt. And no I haven't been using the feeding schedule accurately. Can I start now using from week 5?
  4. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    They don't dim. I just ordered the DynaGro. Should I use the fox farm trio over DynaGrow though? I don't know which is better.
  5. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    Also thinking about adding more light. I have another 300W galaxyhydro unused. Would 600 Watts in a 24x72 grow tent with only three plants be too much?
  6. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    Would it be too late to continue fox farm schedule? I am purchasing DynaGro but I already have the trio. And also, if I am ending up using DynaGro, what is the supplement Protekt for? Again thanks for all the answers.
  7. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    More nitrogen? I am using ocean forest and have been using small amounts of big bloom until about a week ago. Thanks for the help. Should I use more light maybe?
  8. J

    Nitrogen Claw

    Hello, First grow; using 300W Galaxyhydro with Fox Farm Soil. Ph is 7 Looks as if my blue dream is getting early signs of nitrogen toxicity but I don't want to flush if I don't have to. She has some yellowing on lower leaves and a slight claw. My autoflower is currently flowering and has shiny...
  9. J

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Hey guys, First grow here. Looks like my three girls are getting a slight browning st their tips. Two are in veg, and one is in flower. My pH is about 7 and I'm not using any nutrients other than fox farm ocean forest soil.
  10. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    Are you sure the plant just isn't getting its water because the stem is broken
  11. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    Maybe it's because the stem broke and is not really recovering well at all. This is a tragedy
  12. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    The pot is 3 gallons. The pot likely has good root growth. However, the stem of the plant is broken. I thought it would supercrop but it isn't recovering Also. The yellow is from bottom up and my ph is 7
  13. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    I am using the big bloom I forget the numbers but also using ocean soil from fox farms.
  14. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    Using fox farm ocean. Woke up today and it's far worse. Leave is almost yellow now.
  15. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    Also, my stem broke pretty bad. I'm a first time grower. It seems like it might be repairing but could that be the reason for the lighter green colors? I think it's spreading bottomup.
  16. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    It just seems like the plant is starting to produce leaves of that color towards the bottom. Is this yellowing or nitrogen deficiency?
  17. J

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Need help with my plant. One of my first responses on here. Don't know what's happening with one of my leaves; turning bright green but not yet yellow. Added some big bloom but not much difference
  18. J

    Plant Leaf Turning Bright Green/Yellowish

    Hey guys; first post. Wondering what's up with my autoflower. I'm doing a simple LST, but I woke up this morning and saw one of the lower leaves turning bright green and almost yellow. Pictures are here. I just added some Big Bloom thinking it would help if it's nitrogen deficiency. Let me...