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  1. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Yes those roots look great ! Glad to see your work and patients is paying off. Ive decided to use the clay balls (like you) this time on my new batch. I dont like the RW cube always being soaked and poor fluid xfer because I'm only wetting the bottom of the cube. So thanks for the hint on that...
  2. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    No mine floods to about 1" up the pot. Cause I have a 3.5" Rock wool cube in the pot I cant let it dry out. Oh yes... Love the blueberry strain. They are awesome !! You can step on those roots and they will keep on going.. Its been the Kush at the cause of my lack of sleep ! lol Kush is...
  3. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    I have learned alot on this hydro method so far... But on the next run I will be monitoring things more closely. I'm going to cut out 4 larger holes in each tray and use an insert to match the 4" pot. So then I will have a 8" hole to pull the plant out for easy inspections daily. Also during 3...
  4. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Ya know... I really like your fan idea. Particularly the sucking air out of the tray vs blowing it in. There would be much more even flow thru the system. I just did an O2 test this morning. Levels at 5-6mg/l. About the same as last test. Its been two days since I added any H2O2 to the system...
  5. CoreyPKGrower

    running 6000- 8000 watts

    Light mover is the way to go ! Go with the 1000 W. Light energy is everything ! using 8 1000W in cool tubes. Light mover with 6" flex pipe as seen in pic. Works awesome
  6. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Ya I had to make my own timer unit. top tray flood runs first. Takes 4 minutes to fill 2 4x8ft top trays. Then it gravity drains as well as 2 small impeller pumps running back to reservoir. drain takes 6.5 minutes. Then btm trays pump runs takes 3.5 minutes to flood. Then 3 pumps run to drain...
  7. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    No worries about the hi-jack Stonetech ! All are welcome here.. WOW ! 4 hours ? Thats interesting. Ive been afraid to go much over 26 minutes. Thats what I'm running now. After some actual scientific research, dry and dull for the most I have read that extended dry time on root matted...
  8. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Awesome update, thanks for keeping this thread going. No. Only the ones I had to trim the roots on or the ones that I cut all the roots away. Other than that... Minor lower leaf yellowing and drop. About average Its the same timing day and night. Couldn't change it much anyways cause of the...
  9. CoreyPKGrower


    I have Mine on a timer and lamp dimmer combination. Lights ON.. Fan runs off timer at full speed. Lights OFF, Timer off. Fan runs at reduced speed set by the lamp dimmer. Reduces noise and usage of filter. Yes in the dark there's is a normal green type smell. When lights are on you get the weed...
  10. CoreyPKGrower

    Purple Kush Wilting during dark (night) cycle

    Oh ya... Wilting during the dark period. I found out it was because of lack of O2 levels in nutrient ! When I added alot more air stones and big air pump. The problem went away immediately !
  11. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Also... I will be getting another batch of clones next week. I'm going to be doing lots of testing on them. I will block the bottom of the mesh pot on some to prevent root growth directly out the bottom. The plants I'm dealing with now I blocked root growth out the side. A mistake at best ...
  12. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Good luck with it man !! Its been tricky at best for me so far. I'm really only doing it this way because of disposal/ volume issues. If I were growing a smaller number of plants I would stick with clay pellets, Rockwool, etc. But kudos for you trying !! Uses H2O2 !!!! and if you can list your...
  13. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Thought I would update my post... Well I got my O2 test kits yesterday. They work great and simple to use. $12.00 per kit and gives you 30 tests per. So I did first test just b4 the lights came on. Tested at runoff from the tray. Temp was 65F. Test showed around 5-6 mg(ppm) per liter. Out of...
  14. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Hey YAK !! Thanks again for the advice. You pretty much save me from disaster !!! Yes I backed off on the timings. After the top and bottom feed cycles. There is a 18min delay b4 restarting. And yes the temp dropped to 63-65 cycle. The replenish rate is tough to figure out. I think there are...
  15. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Well four days in and things are looking up. ! Yellowing has stopped and some of the plants I striped roots off are starting to sprout new roots... Sweet ! I'm at 15ml H2O2 / gal. And its definitely working well. Ph has now stabilized at 5.9. Roots that were slightly brown are clearing up as...
  16. CoreyPKGrower

    So Much for LEGAL Medical grows..!!

    A 62-year-old woman from the Castlegar, B.C., area says RCMP raided and damaged her property and hauled her to jail even though she has a licence to grow marijuana. Velma Mullaney said that despite a Health Canada permit that allows her to grow 98 plants, police showed up at her rural home...
  17. CoreyPKGrower

    Thanks. Not really complex thou.. Just lots a stuff. Sometimes keep it simple is ok. But had...

    Thanks. Not really complex thou.. Just lots a stuff. Sometimes keep it simple is ok. But had problems in the past with simple systems and opted this time for a full out system including monitoring and control. Lets see... Took about 3 months to design and build it all. Cost was around 13k for...
  18. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Thank you. And yes this is the first time. I used RW, Clay pellets, lava Rock b4. They all worked but such a pain to clean up and or dispose. Glad you think my roots seem ok. Yes there are a few white ones here and there too. I'm using a custom made light mover. It moves all my lights in...
  19. CoreyPKGrower

    Advice, Opinions on this Tray Ebb&flo/Dwc System

    Ask... And ye shall receive.. lol Heres one of the 20 or so I cleaned up the roots or completely striped them away. You can see the yellowing progressing upward. I left only a small amount of root. Surprisingly. None are wilting after or while the lights are on. Its mostly in the upper...
  20. CoreyPKGrower

    Need help deciding on materials for passive hydroponic system

    Your welcome ! No get cracken !! lol