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  1. ryedooby35

    Auto Berry 59 days from seed...still no white pistols!!!! Advice please...

    You have an over nute problem which is delaying your flowering. In addition to that your PH may be fluctuating a bit. Be consistent with your feeding. What are you mixing your nutes in? How big is the reservoir? what is your ratio? and what type of food?
  2. ryedooby35

    Ceres Skunk Problem

    Looks like a recovering over nute/lock-out problem. Continue with 1/4 strength, if it persists, flush.
  3. ryedooby35

    how many plants should i grow?

    Those plants r a bit streched. It all depends on how long you veg for. 15 to 20 plnts if they r 8 to 12 inchs going into flowering. Depends on your resourses and time. Average for 600hps for meduim exp. in growin 1/2 to 3/4 lb. per
  4. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    Researching the pics on plant rust, i do see some similarities. I spray with bottled water (tap water here is super clorinated) never tried the milk. What percent do u use with the milk. Thanks for the info on the Earth Juice and the idea of plant rust. will show the updates.
  5. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    I dont see bugs on the reg. It s just some isolated occurances. One at a time and little black guys with wings but easy to just pinch. they just wait for you to smash them they dont make much of a effort to get out of the way. I have some plants that are doing great but a different strain. Its...
  6. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    I flushed a few of them to see if that would be the fix as well as moving the light up a bit . My ph is know around 6.3 still to soon to show any recovery signs but if any of those proposed solutions are the caused i should see something here in a couple of days. I'll send some pics ur way...
  7. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    The little ones in the pics were repotted not to long ago, can salt build up be an issue that fast?
  8. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    I looked into the thrips. I take pride in my room and clean it like crazy. I never suspected i'd have a pest problem. If i did i thought i'd see visible signs.(eggs, infestation, ect..) So every once in awhile i noticed a black gnat here and there and guessed it was just random, didnt even...
  9. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    They've only been in flower for about 13 days. I'll get some more picks out for you soon.
  10. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    No bugs looked them over good.
  11. ryedooby35

    All curled up!

    hey there folks these plants have had this problem for about a week now. Flushing didnt work and i dont see leaves like this on any def. list on any plant problem trouble shooters. Just by the pics what do u see as a solution to this problem? Nutes: Earth Juice Last feeding: 1 week Soil...
  12. ryedooby35

    Anyone know how to fix this.

    When i test my Ph its showing 6.5 to 6.8. run off is showing about the same. Before i water with nutes I have my Ph at about 6
  13. ryedooby35

    Anyone know how to fix this.

    Would it be a good idea to flush in the morn to wash out any toxic salt build up, then nute it after the soil drys out a bit?
  14. ryedooby35

    Anyone know how to fix this.

    Great redirect. I've veiwed that one. Still don't see what might b wrong. Closes thing i see to photos is phosphorus def. The heat never climbs over 75 when lights are on and 65 when off the plants are a good 20 to 24 inches away.
  15. ryedooby35

    Anyone know how to fix this.

    Hello there folks, These pics are of some sweet tooth. i feed with earth juice every week to week and a half. I have a black gold, perlite, peat moss mix. they are under 2 /600 watt lights about 20 inches away. Thanks for any advice.
  16. ryedooby35

    How much pollen does it take to ruin a crop?

    The birds and the bees aint nothin new. Thats classic though. This thread will get some good laughs.
  17. ryedooby35

    How much pollen does it take to ruin a crop?

    Thats great! LOL i usually only deal with real vag.
  18. ryedooby35

    How much pollen does it take to ruin a crop?

    So if i act fast then i could isolate it to those that only had been touched by pollen and end up with just a few seeds in the crop or will it seed through the whole plant usually? I usually deal with clones but wanted to get some other strains going. Not alot of luck so far.
  19. ryedooby35

    How much pollen does it take to ruin a crop?

    So now if it pollinates will it seed my crop or will the growth stop and that plant become completly male. is it possible that it will just produce seeds and no pollen. How long will it take for me to notice? whats the first sign? Thanks for your time Natmoon.
  20. ryedooby35

    How much pollen does it take to ruin a crop?

    Just saw that one of my ladies went bad! it looked like two of the pods opened. What do ya think?:spew:makes me sick. last two grows i get one pod that opens up and im always thinkin how there going to turn out.