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  1. M

    Legal grower considering going to Rhode Island.

    As long as you don't have a record you are fine, it's finding patients that can be hard. A lot of patients want someone who has bud already
  2. M

    A question about foam collars and hydroton

    Well I have heard that foam collars are better so I ordered them my seedlings roots began to get too big for the peat pellets I had them in and I didn't want them to get too big and break them when I transfered to the collars. Unfortunately I didn't have the collars yet and I went to my local...
  3. M

    1st autoflower grow journal, blue Himalayan diesel and short stuff dr feel good

    I just got some foam collars so I tried them with the dr feel good. The roots are almost twice the size they were yesterday! also i gave you a close up of the mutation, it has changed alot since it first started.
  4. M

    1st autoflower grow journal, blue Himalayan diesel and short stuff dr feel good

    ok so the first two on top are the 2 "unknowns" the next is the dr feel good which i will be transferring to hydroton later today. The first on the bottom is the fem blue himalayan, the middle is nothing and the last is the blueberry haze hybrid. I will be buying another system just like this...
  5. M

    1st autoflower grow journal, blue Himalayan diesel and short stuff dr feel good

    Hello all I decided to start a grow journal for my first grow because most of you guys are awesome and will help me if something goes wrong! I am using's grow buddy. I chose autos so I can not only have a quick supply but I can make a little money and get myself a better setup...
  6. M

    Help for a noob... When is the right time to put my sprout into my system?

    Ok well I just transfered to the clay pellets it was just one monster root. But it's standing tall I figured it would center itself a little but it's not too off center right now
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    Help for a noob... When is the right time to put my sprout into my system?

    Ok thanks I will transfer to hydroton. Until I get the collars
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    Help for a noob... When is the right time to put my sprout into my system?

    I'd like to add the roots are now poking out of the peat pellet
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    Help for a noob... When is the right time to put my sprout into my system?

    I use's system. I have only one seed so far that's sprouted out of the peat pellet. It just sprouted today(just the two little leaves). When do I place the net cup and peat pellet into the system touching the water. I am currently running the bubbler to keep the water nice and...
  10. M

    Hey I am looking for a caregiver in ri but wanted to see what type of strains and prices you...

    Hey I am looking for a caregiver in ri but wanted to see what type of strains and prices you charge for oz
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    What is the easiest or best growing medium for hydro and help for a first timer

    Thanks everyone I think im gonna try a few different methods and stick to the first method that works.
  12. M

    What is the easiest or best growing medium for hydro and help for a first timer

    Can I just take the germinated seeds I have out of the peat pellets and transfer to the foam collars and are they reusable?
  13. M

    What is the easiest or best growing medium for hydro and help for a first timer

    Hello, I am a first timer and i am using the grow box from It came with peat pellets and a 6 2x2" mesh cup hydro system. I planted 4 seeds last Monday in darkness, then On wednesday I put the lights and bubbler on and put the mesh cups in, modified the ph to 5.8. Now it still...
  14. M

    How long does it take for seeds to sprout?

    Ok great I will try that now
  15. M

    Just got my card but need a good caregiver

    Or high thc medium CBd is best!
  16. M

    Just got my card but need a good caregiver

    Any caregivers who want more then 250 per oz sorry I know I can find better. Ideally I'd like to be paying 200 or less. High CBd strains preferred as I use for for pain. But you can never go wrong with high thc.
  17. M

    How long does it take for seeds to sprout?

    I'd like to add that wednesday I turned the lights and bubbler on and my ph is 5.8
  18. M

    How long does it take for seeds to sprout?

    This is my first time growing and I bought a cheap stealthy grow box with a hydroponic system from I am going with autoflower as I read it is easy for beginners. I unfortunetly was a little hasty with the germination let the seeds soak for 3 hours then planted in peat pellets...
  19. M

    How do you know when seeds are ready to pick in autoflowers?

    That thread is amazing I will now save the some pollen for my next harvest and create more hybrids... Assuming I like the traits it is showing! Thanks