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  1. purplecstasy

    Best Buds for Anxienty Prone People?

    you have social anxiety and weed helps things out?! shit man haha I already think everyone's glaring at me in general to begin with i never go blazed when im meeting new people. You think it relaxes you, but just play it out sober once you think you need to be high to be chill and outgoing, but...
  2. purplecstasy

    Best Buds for Anxienty Prone People?

    In general I'd agree some type of kush, but remember sometimes no matter what if you've been having panic attacks that day or a bad sleep, sometimes, weed will just aggravate problems. Do something that tires you out just before you toke, for me I always get a great relaxing buzz from anything...
  3. purplecstasy

    master kush flowering 40 days.. how much more time? PICS

    They're looking great, you are right about thirty days. I'd say thirty days maximum Im growing the same thing similar setup and Ill be done by day 73 probably, but I fucked up some things so you can possibly hope for about 22-26 days left.
  4. purplecstasy

    Female seeds

    Some people get unlucky, but its such a small chance you wont get female. Just dont fuck up your veg period with stress or anything and you'll get females. Fuck actually its more honest of me to tell you they always work....I'll third what kathleenbilly said.
  5. purplecstasy

    Hermaphrodite, possible seeds

    I don't have a lot of experience but I don't pull fan leaves off untill they are obviously dead and dont resist when I pull on them. My logic behind it is that if its still struggling to stay on the plant when you try to snap it off it still has a purpose for it.
  6. purplecstasy

    Hermaphrodite, possible seeds

    Dont worry shocka if a good amount of the plant still has large pistils sticking out and at worst shriveling (which isn't a bad thing they're just maturing). Im assumng the pollenation was in an isolated area of the plant, but dont stress it any more cause male flowers could appear on the buds...
  7. purplecstasy

    Hermaphrodite, possible seeds

    I dont know about that strain but nonetheless, I hope for you that when you feel the buds you dont feel any hard material. The callyx has pistils and when they'er polinated they kind of form into 1 pistil and get retracted into the callyx as the callyx becomes a seed.
  8. purplecstasy

    hermi hash....?

    Why the fuck wouldn't it work? I dunno how your making the hash but thats probably the best thing soeone should do with hermi bud cause weeds only worth it if its bomb ass shit. You probably will get less hash from a hermie though yield wise.
  9. purplecstasy

    Hermaphrodite, possible seeds

    If you're not afraid to be rough on your flowers, one way that worked for me to check for seeds possibly developing was squeezing any suspicious more ball shaped calyxes. Maybe it takes a day or too for the calyx to be obviously a developing seed, but if you have any suspicion just squeeze the...
  10. purplecstasy

    I want to pick individual buds early

    Maybe one bud is ripening a little faster than the rest? I don't know, that just seems logical. If I were you, I'd ask your question in an independent thread to get more responses that actually have something to do with your question good luck
  11. purplecstasy

    Flushed too early?

    well, I'm up to try whatever works, with water or with nutes. Have you seen the crappy pictures I posted in another thread I created that were taken 4 days ago? I don't know how close to ready they are, this is my first grow, if you can give me an estimate on that it would be much appreciated...
  12. purplecstasy

    Flushed too early?

    alright, thanks Does the lack of nutes for 1 and a half weeks maybe have something to do with the fact that after 62 full days of flowering (9 weeks basically), I only have like 10-20% amber trichromes? I mean, since I let my leaves go yellow, doesn't that dramatically delay the photosynthesis...
  13. purplecstasy

    Flushed too early?

    I thought they were cloudy due to no prior experience on growing. since the flush the trichs developed and I learned that its blatantly obvious when a trichrome is cloudy or amber. All the online pictures of trichromes confused me but now that they are filling up with thc;cbg etc. I know that...
  14. purplecstasy

    Flushed too early?

    Hey everyone, a week and a half ago I misjudged my trichromes thinking they were cloudy when they were (in retrospect from later observations) clear. I started water feeding thinking I was done, but now the leaves have turned yellow, which is no surprise when flushing. My question is that after...
  15. purplecstasy

    I want to pick individual buds early

    I'm now in day 60 of flowering, and in my opinion, it's not worth picking before your trichromes are all cloudy with a tinge of amber, at least. If you have a surplus of bud growing, than i'd say the days preceding when the bud turns cloudy gives you a buzz, doesnt last long and is not a weed...
  16. purplecstasy

    odorless successfully grown bud?

    I feel much better having read this post, thanks :mrgreen:
  17. purplecstasy

    odorless successfully grown bud?

    Im in the last week of flowering with my MasterKush, and there is no stink whatsoever. Today (day 59 flower) I took down a shoot, and it smells just like ...plant. I have been doing a flush for almost 2 weeks now so it smells kind of like bark on a tree or something like that. However, I...
  18. purplecstasy

    I want to pick individual buds early

    Go waste some space on someone else's thread bongo, weirdo.:spew:
  19. purplecstasy

    I want to pick individual buds early

    Thanks, whenever I have questions I try to be as specific as possible, because whenever you leave out the smallest detail, you'll get bogus responses. Let that be a lesson to everyone, I'm not saying I'm the best question poster, but if you post a question on this board, write it as if you were...
  20. purplecstasy

    are my buds ready? *pics*

    The most precise way to know is how the trichomes look. look at the FAQ at "paulio's guide to trichromes," this is only useful if you have a 30x or more microscope. Otherwise, everyone says (meaning its true, I assume..) that the buds are at their best when the hairs are about 80% amber/brown...