Search results

  1. hazed06

    Need options for barrier / fencing

    no dout ya cant beat liquid fence(smelly ass shit).. just wonted 2 add if walmart dont have it check tractor supply. thats only place i found it.. and make shur u read/follow the directions or u might waste your time/money like i.... Good lucks
  2. hazed06

    Slinger36s The Church CFL Journal (PICS!)

    Great looking CHURCH.. i just harvested one 2weeks ago.. GREAT high..Great tast..
  3. hazed06

    Hello from SC

    Chillin in south cac burnin good myself...
  4. hazed06

    ok i have a prob my one of my vegi plants r geting pistols with little white hairs

    whats the strain?? i had that problem with a preflower (lowryder) seed i got over the net and had got it mixed up with one of my others...
  5. hazed06

    what 2 do???

    Well i got my Ph meter in the mail 2day.. water going in was bottled with Ph 7.05-02 RUNOFF was 6.60-6.72 im guessing its low but how 2 raise it? i haven't watered in 4days so i tested them 2night with only a lil bottled water BUT im still lost on how i mix these nukes 2gether... i...
  6. hazed06

    what 2 do???

    bump, bump they gettin worse really could use sum advice PLEASE!!!
  7. hazed06

    what 2 do???

    thanks Panta good info 2have.. hope i dont come across as if i havent searched for the answer on my own yet but i have but with the nukes i have what would u suggest i mix up and how much?? thanks....
  8. hazed06

    what 2 do???

    forgot 2 mention im using a 400hps temps 63-76 44%humity
  9. hazed06

    what 2 do???

    my girls are almost 4 weeks in2 flowering, started from clone... im using foxfarm mix soil and have FF grow big,Tiger bloom,and big bloom.. the yellowing started a week ago and its on all my plants.. i dont have a Ph meter yet its in the mail.. What should i feed them???
  10. hazed06

    pic. questions

    100-300$ just depends on what i need 2 take good quality pis.. but im not a pig picture taker just manly 2post on sites like RIU.ect. im realy askin what 2look 4when buying a digital. cam.
  11. hazed06

    pic. questions

    im looking to find a digital cam. that will get me good shoots of my plants and not brake my pocket... if anyone could tell me a lil about what 2look for as far as megpix go or whtever else would help me.. links would help2 thanks...
  12. hazed06


    XANAX are the DEVIL!!!! yall continue on taken them(in an abusive way) and see were u end up... yea u think u feel good but in all reality they make u STUPID. ack stupid. make people into straight bitches and thief's.... dont get me wrong there fun untill they take control.. and belive me...
  13. hazed06

    Some Odor Opinions?

    how big is your growroom/cabint? i know u wont cheap but the 100bucks 4 a carbon air filter really payed 0ff growroom is about 4'x4' with a open roof so smell stinks up my whole bedroom(10'x10') the filter helps ALOT but if u walked in the room u gonna still smell it......but my guest...
  14. hazed06

    buying oxycontin online?????

    it,s a scam bro... tryed it ones, they took the money 4me to join then sent me a fucken booklet of website addresses were u can buy pills..the catch is the the other websites u buy from require a scrip... but if this site is diff. and everything works out p.M. me also...
  15. hazed06

    ~!Attitude,Seed Boutique Or Planet Skunk??Which One Is Best!!?~Please Reply

    Attitude:wink:!! very discrete shipping with "t-shirt shipping":lol: and very surprising on delivery time.. think mine was week at most.. far as depit-card no problems yet(been over a year)....
  16. hazed06

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    I consider the drooping as if the girls were sleeping... as long as there normal when the lights come on i think your alright bro..
  17. hazed06

    Long purple stem!

    hope im not hijaging thread. but im curious about this same thing.. iv had a vegg. plant for about 4moths now and have yet 2 flower it(not shur sex yet eather) but the stems and stalk (about 1in thick).. is purple and its pretty damn purple.. the strain is crystal skunk(g13 lab i think)...
  18. hazed06

    needed sum advise

    lol well i think i wounld my form.. the NEWBIE well heres a quick question for anyone that knows... so my first 2 grows were from bag seeds.. didnt come from good shit(mid/reg.) seeds... started under cfl then put under 400hps. when they got around a foot tall(tryen 2...
  19. hazed06


    same here!!!! search tap sucks. or has sucked sence iv been here... had 2 do alot of readen 2 learn what lil i know. but im a stoner 2 so i forget were i read what, and were it was at, and what thread it was in... so i do a search. but no help, so i read all over agin.. gettin old but am...