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  1. corban

    3 Word Story

    more like random
  2. corban

    3 Word Story

    pants he was
  3. corban

    3 Word Story

    over Beibers tiny
  4. corban

    switching to 12/12 anything else I should know

    panda film looks ideal really good.. I will get some as soon as I find somewhere near me that sells it.. Thanks for the tip.
  5. corban

    switching to 12/12 anything else I should know

    yer the topping I did didn't turn out too well.. I mean it didn't spring into two colas or anything. There's 4 main colas and a few inches further from the centre of the plant from each of them is another cola.. SO 4 main colas and 4 secondary colas together with a buch of smaller bud sites. If...
  6. corban

    switching to 12/12 anything else I should know

    I have read up about the 24 hours dark and I think for my first grow I will not be doing this. As I understand some say it helps the plants flower quicker as it allows for a bigger build up of whatever the chemical was called that triggers flowering. I think I would like to experience as natural...
  7. corban

    switching to 12/12 anything else I should know

    She is in my room and whilst I will not have any lights on at all I will have my two monitors going for at least 4 hours during her dark period and obviously light from my room door opening and closing. To protect against this light I have a metal frame around her which should give her about 3...
  8. corban

    switching to 12/12 anything else I should know

    I am planning on turning the lights off this evening at their new end time and covering the plant for absolute darkness. Yes just the one I have 150 watts of cfl 2700k light divided amongst 5 lights which I plan adjusting daily trying to keep lights all within 6 inches of any cfl so they are...
  9. corban

    3 Word Story

    she asked the
  10. corban

    3 Word Story

    of her master's
  11. corban

    5 pounds = 150000 dollar bust lmfao

    The guy who charged the police that for a pound must of had some brass Cahooneys
  12. corban

    Demographics of RIU: Are you M or F?

    so 15 guys and 1 confused guy has answered the poll so far. There are no women on the internet dude :(
  13. corban

    3 Word Story

    into the lab
  14. corban

    Couple growing had mass charity operation in Kenya

    in the UK lots of people currently getting away with aiding and abetting pedos but have a little bit of MJ and that is bad...
  15. corban

    3 Word Story

    which forced the
  16. corban

    This neophyte's thoughts on Shaman after his first grow

    I've got some bagseed at the moment for my first grow which is indica. I just thought weed was different from when I was young then I found this site with much information about strains and effects and it's because I haven't had a sativa for a long time. I am looking forward to buying some...
  17. corban

    3 Word Story

    through a ping-pong
  18. corban

    "Stupid Stoners"

    this is exactly what is wrong.. Poeple should be thinking of it more in terms of alcohol than crack.. No one would of batted an eyelid if he had said he enjoys the occasional glass of wine with some friends. but to say you like to get stoned and have a giggle with some friends. Perhaps it is...
  19. corban

    3 Word Story

    sauce poured down
  20. corban

    "Stupid Stoners"

    I would sit on the uni steps before a four hour exam and would smoke the fattest J's. it was funny everyone around me revising hard and I was just kicking it back, I had already done all my revision and knew my shit inside and out.. I did the same for every exam.. it was my ritual.. I...