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  1. Mrkiwi818

    no nutes! what do I do?

    Amen sister!
  2. Mrkiwi818

    Welcome New Members!

    What up yall im here
  3. Mrkiwi818

    8th wk 12/12, i'm begging for your help!

    OK dude you are goiung to want to cut off some of the Fan leaves off not at the base of the stem conncting the leafe to the real stem of the baby girl .. Only cut off the most yellow and you should be fine... Dont add any more nuts... dont cut them all off start from the bottom and work your...
  4. Mrkiwi818

    just sprouted nd wont stand up....

    cut the 18/ 24 and keep it under 24 light only dont keep them too close to the sun about 15 to 18 inches away its leaning over because its shocked make sure you have a good amount of water and make sure you have a good amount of hols to dump the excess and see what happens.
  5. Mrkiwi818

    First Grow, Feel the love

    Bro your set up looks chill but you are going to have a heat problem your intake is too small for the amount of free space you have there if you dont get the air flowing your going to get somewhat weaker stems. you might want to add a bigger fan not the tiny computer fans... They have a bunch of...
  6. Mrkiwi818

    green caterpilers eating my buds

    I say tell the fuckers that if they are going to hang around to sart paying rent if not to get the hell out!
  7. Mrkiwi818

    8th wk 12/12, i'm begging for your help!

    you might want to get some earth worms for your soil
  8. Mrkiwi818

    5th week and they look sick

    Do what butter 111 said you shouls be fine.. but dont let them dry out...and keep them under 24/7 light about 21/2 feet away from the top of the babys forehead. and you should be ok they look abit stunned but not dead so listen to better!
  9. Mrkiwi818

    Side Leaves curling

    my bad did not read the 3 inch part.. the light is to close.. its too hot bro try cooling dow your spot to at least 72 degrees and do not spay water on leaves. but looks like you problem is the light man to close.... hope I helped. and always PH the water. or get a jug of water in an open...
  10. Mrkiwi818

    Side Leaves curling

    It most likley is overwatering... and it maybe is to hot in your set up.... So you might want to check the temp.. and while watering just count to 6 sec and stop try and get as much as you can in withing thise 6 sec. and when you dump your water in is your soil sinking into itself? is so then...