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  1. Thegawdson

    Plant in danger help!!!!!!!

    its flitter water out of my freg i let the water get room temp before i feed them
  2. Thegawdson

    Plant in danger help!!!!!!!

    ok im going to look into that cause i do feel like i over watered them just a lil but there under a 600 an the dirt drys out pretty quick so idk but ima check all thats guys
  3. Thegawdson

    Plant in danger help!!!!!!!

    im going out today to get a metter but only one of my plants isnt showing discoloration like the other for an they all get the same water
  4. Thegawdson

    Plant in danger help!!!!!!!

    well i have not givin them any nuts ye there in faxfarm soil temps at high are 83 at lows 64
  5. Thegawdson

    Plant in danger help!!!!!!!

    damn no one knows help help
  6. Thegawdson

    Plant in danger help!!!!!!!

    SO FOUR of my lil girls are coming up with purple on there leaves the new leaves that come outta the shoot have a funny coloring heres a picture
  7. Thegawdson

    My Grow 600w Grow Tent

    i dont have thats much time so i just decided to 12/12 from seed im going to take some clones tho an veg them longer then these
  8. Thegawdson

    My Grow 600w Grow Tent

    any thoughts on my grow
  9. Thegawdson

    My Grow 600w Grow Tent

    also my first grow
  10. Thegawdson

    My Grow 600w Grow Tent

    btw its on a 12/12 all five are from QP'S I HAD one was sour the other 4 are from some stuff call purple drangen
  11. Thegawdson

    My Grow 600w Grow Tent

    ok so i was going to take you guys though my grow as it go so all commets are welcome here are some picks of my setupi have my boaster fan pulling air out an a little fan pushing air in i have a cooltube in the way so thats going to help im useing house an garden nuts there in faxfrm soil ocean...
  12. Thegawdson

    Here we 1st attempt...PURPLE BUDDHA!!!

    so how did you use the your nuts with foxfarm soil? did you let your plants use up the nute in the dirt first the use house an garden, also how soon did you give it to yours girls i have some seedlings but their on a 12 12 cycle an i wanna start feediing
  13. Thegawdson

    House & Garden Nuts ??

  14. Thegawdson

    House & Garden Nuts ??

    So I just got my nuts I went with house & garden soil a/b but I don't know to much about them do I was wondering are they good???
  15. Thegawdson

    My Grow Tent Set Up With My Seedlings

    so i have 36 by 20 grow tent with a 600 watt 5 plants im going to put some pics up later tonight dont worry guys :eyesmoke:
  16. Thegawdson

    its all about that tent grow with 600 watts fam

    its all about that tent grow with 600 watts fam