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  1. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    The first phase of my grow room was build yesterday morning... 8am... lol, what pot head gets up that early on a saturday ;p Anyway, I was very happy with how quickly it was put together and how well build it seems. I didn't have all the materials required to complete it (nor did they have the...
  2. S

    Wrinkly leaves

    what about those pics makes it seem like bugs? I haven't noticed any yet, but I'll keep an eye out. Here are some more close up pictures.
  3. S

    Wrinkly leaves

    Hey guys, I'm not really sure if this is even a problem, but the leaves on my Big Bud plants are growing wrinkly. If you look at the base of the leaf (part closest to the stem) it just looks wrinkly! I'm under a 400W HPS light, but they are at least 2-3 feet from it and the temp is def not...
  4. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    More pics ;D First sign of roots from the Sky clone - excited about that. I've begun using CalMag in hopes of thwarting the yellow spots. Someone else suggested that I'm over feeding the plants, but I see yellowing leaf tips :/ The Big Bud plants still seem to have wrinkly leaves. If anyone...
  5. S

    Mites, pH, or something else?

    The pH of my soil is pretty much back to normal now. I'll try backing off the ferts too for a while. Thanks for the advice guys!
  6. S

    Mites, pH, or something else?

    Hey, I started using the calmag. hopefully that'll help. i don't see any flies or anything like that. I wouldn't expect it to be fungus, my room humidity is about 20%
  7. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Ok, so this brings me up to date as these pictures were just taken today ;D The girls just had some clippings taken (WW) and I happened upon some purple kush and lemon cake ;D My garden is currently full up at 12 plants. Now I need to start finding some patients so I can have more :D!!! I'm...
  8. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Ok, on to week 5. I have the originals and some experience what that camera now ;p Hopefully the pics will stay fairly decent from here out. I thought the file names would be shown somewhere. I guess you don't really know which plant is which at this point. Lemme explain... The two big...
  9. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Here are my week 4 pics. I began taking more overall shots here. There's a nice shot of the spots I was talking about on the WW. One of the BB, named Babe, has weird growth. Sky also had this lopsided growth. I'm wondering what I'm doing to cause it :/ It's not bad anymore, but made me a...
  10. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Here's my lego version of the grow room I'm trying to build. It is to scale with 100px = 1 foot. Yellow is lit area from the lights. the green are plants in final pot. Once it's done, i'll post a pic of it too ;p
  11. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    These are the week 3 pics of my WW named "jazzy" She has those weird spots and the lower leaves are dieing :/ Someone suggested that it was the Fox Farm Grow Big and that I should supplement with Cal Mag. Again, I wish I had the originals.
  12. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    These are the problems I was having with my plants :( Unfortunately I cannot find my 1st week pics or the originals of these ones which I used for posting questions. The WW named Sky was presumed dead for about a week, but I kept watering her and she's doing great now ;p Anyone know what...
  13. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Hey all, This is my first grow, but it's hopefully gonna turn into a perpetual grow. I'm not sure how that'll affect posting. Anyway, I'm a little bit in right now. I'm gonna try and post pics from start until now and then keep updating. I'm in the middle of constructing a grow room so...
  14. S

    Mites, pH, or something else?

    Hey, thanks for the reply. I'm gonna go buy some tomorrow probably. What kind of dosage did you use? I use just under the recommended by fox farm. Yeah, I'm not sure why, but it didn't auto subscribe me to the last 2 threads I started :/ I added myself to this one now. Here's a pic of what...
  15. S

    Mites, pH, or something else?

    Hey, I thought I'd get an email with reply information on threads that I start. I was actually getting upset that no one was replying, but it seems I wasn't checking! lol Anyway, Happy Frog soil, no adds. I know I write very long posts, but I am using Fox Farm's "Grow Big" and "Big Bloom"...
  16. S

    Mites, pH, or something else?

    Hey all, I've really been trying to determine what is wrong with my biggest, bushiest plant. I finally broke down and bought a pH tester for the soil and for the nutrient solution. I use recommended feeding from FoxFarm with Grow Big and Big Bloom. The solution has a pH of 5.5 which is...
  17. S


    Hey guys, I'm attaching some pics of my plant (white widow). I'm not sure what to think about the leaves. I thought that an N def. starts at the leaf tips and works in, but it seems that this is just yellowing in random spots. The plant is about 4 weeks old now. Didn't use ferts until 2.5...
  18. S

    Cu Problem?

    Hey all, I finally got a hold of a camera. I wish I had it sooner to show the crazy evolution of the plant I posted on earlier. Anyway, I'm attaching 5 pics. These are of 2 plants. The 2 named jazzy (the first 2), are one White Widow and it's having some problems with it's leaves. I would...
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    Cu Problem?

    LOL, yeah it's looking pretty sad :( It was stretched. It sprouted 36 hours after I put it in the water so I wasn't exactly ready for it so it had 2 days without much light. The other one looks great. It has 2 branches with 10 leaves (I don't have pics of it, i didn't think to take them when i...
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    Cu Problem?

    Thanks for the reply. Actually it's 2.5 weeks old. lol, it's growing reeeealy slow cuz of those leaves. I guess my other concern was that if it was mold/pests I don't want it to spread. also, if i'm doing something wrong that's causing the leaves to not grow properly, i'd like to change what...