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  1. S

    What's wrong with her leaf :(

    I was baked when I put her in before I fell asleep, I'm thinking maybe the leaf was too close to the bulb, it turned brown fast and hasn't spread
  2. S

    What's wrong with her leaf :(

    Thanks for the replies guys, I haven't given her any nutes , there's no time release in the soil or anything
  3. S

    Blue 'threads' among the trichomes

    That's so fucking small, that's probably just a piece of lint from anything, like your shirt , animal, pants, etc it probably just floated on in there
  4. S

    What's wrong with her leaf :(

    Cfls grow, this happened in 6 hours while the light was on
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    Budding too soon ?

    Nugs beefed up 200% after the past few hours ! It just trimmed itself too
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    Budding too soon ?

    Oooooo I cant wait :))))
  7. S

    Budding too soon ?

    Youre right some of my Autos did this too, it comes out cured, trimmed and all, high thc too :)
  8. S

    Need a bit of encouragement

    she looks extremely nutrient deficient
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    Budding too soon ?

    Almost 2 weeks old
  10. S

    Few questions

    Hey RIU, I Have a 36×20×60 tent coming And a 6" Carbon filter/fan combo Also a 32oz Ona gel Apple Crumble. I orderd from htgsupply. Will it be discrete shipping ? And will I be able to concealed oders?
  11. S

    Reputable seed bank ?

    Any US shipping reputable seed banks that actual send what they advertise ?
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    Pale green leaves and marks

    It could be some kind off deficiency I'm no expert, but they actually look really healthy, try a foliage spray
  13. S

    Brown spots on seedling kinda drooping also??

    Yea man I just learned this too, not nutes or anything for like 3 weeks, and only water ever few days let the soil completly dry up or else roots rot and slows growth
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    Female already or?

    Just wondering if this is normal growth or already signs of female maturity
  15. S

    Need help with Nutriants

    Hey guys im on week 2 with my seedling. Can someone point me in the direction of organic natural nutrients that will benifit my plant alot ? I am growing in soil. Do you brew teas ? I have no idea but i need to get ready soon
  16. S

    New growth yellow?

    This isnt even english to me :O
  17. S

    Advice please

    Take the wrap off and check the soil, if its damp leave it, if its moist, give a little water and let it completly dry out again, and do that over and over. Just never over water, only water ever other day or ever 3 days until it builds a big root system and can absorb more
  18. S

    Will a fan cause a weak stem in a seedling?

    I dont think it needs nutes yet bro
  19. S

    First indoor grow

    Looks sweet bro