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  1. E

    Temp and RH for flower

    I have my lights running during the day from 8 am to 8pm and the temp in my apartments stays anywhere from 77-75
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    Temp and RH for flower

  3. E

    Temp and RH for flower

    Thank you and I’m running in a RDWC any info on getting temps down I have a 6 in 400 cfm for the aricooled hood and a 200 4 inch for ventilation
  4. E

    PPM and water consumption

    I am also have a the same issue I’m day 21 into flower but my ph with drop dramatically was 5.8 at 4 in the after noon the next morning was at 4.5 and ec ruses was at .79 and is not at .89
  5. E

    Temp and RH for flower

    Bud are coming in at a decent size I did make a mistake with defoliation on plant is bouncing back Nicky but the other sadly looks pretty bad but still producing buds These are from today day 21 of flower
  6. E

    Temp and RH for flower

    These are my temps average at night stays low but during the day get up to 81
  7. E

    Temp and RH for flower

    I’m a first tome grower can you elaborate a little more than you
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    Temp and RH for flower

  9. E

    Temp and RH for flower

    I am using his it’s a 400 watt with an air cooled reflector
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    Temp and RH for flower

    Rh of 40
  11. E

    Temp and RH for flower

    I’m on day 20 of flower and just wanted to know if 79 to 80 degrees and a third of 40 is okay anything will help thank you
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    New grower did I defoliate to much??

    I have another 2.5 x2.5 tent that I’m begging a clone I took before flower I’ll have pictures when I’m home
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    New grower did I defoliate to much??

    Do I just trash it? Start over?
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    New grower did I defoliate to much??

    All bud sites doubled in size since
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    New grower did I defoliate to much??

    I’m a new grower these are my first both are birthday cake
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    Perpetual grow set up thought or ideas ?

    How would you set up a 2 level? Sorry I’m new to this
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    Perpetual grow set up thought or ideas ?

    I im looking to just do fems clones
  18. E

    Perpetual grow set up thought or ideas ?

    Flower Room 8x4 Veg Room 4x2 Clone Room 2x2
  19. E

    Droopy Clones After Transplant

    I also have clones that I got from a dips early and 2 of them are very droopy and I’m not sure why they were just transplanted to a grow closet doc and top feed system could any have any recommendations anything would help