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  1. Henry2018

    HELP magnesium deficiency

    Measure lol stupid autocorrect
  2. Henry2018

    HELP magnesium deficiency

    I didn't pleasure ppm
  3. Henry2018

    HELP magnesium deficiency

    When watering I always keep the ph 6.3 ish and run off is 6.5
  4. Henry2018

    HELP magnesium deficiency

    Hi right I flushed my plant last week as she was looking bad with magnesium deficiency,she looked lyk she was recovering and in the last few days it seems to have come back even worse. I dont know if i should pull the leaves off incase it jumps to the nxt ones. What can I do?
  5. Henry2018

    Recovering from magnesium deficiency

    I normally keep it around 6.3
  6. Henry2018

    Recovering from magnesium deficiency

    So do u soak it or just a light spray and at the same time do u give it when watering or not.
  7. Henry2018

    Recovering from magnesium deficiency

    How much Epsom salts to water And how often do u spray?
  8. Henry2018

    Recovering from magnesium deficiency

    Same here mate lost a few lower leaves and I still have a couple big leaves with some spots on so Gona see how it goes nd cheers mate..
  9. Henry2018

    Recovering from magnesium deficiency

    Well this time last week I was shitting myself thinking my plant was Gona die as she had a magnesium deficiency and it was spreading faster than wild fire and overall she was drooping and looked so sad... So after trying cal mag nd Epsom salts I had no choice but to flush and now nearly a week...
  10. Henry2018

    Cal mag deficiency

    Mine seems to be getting worse Ive tried Epsom salts nd cal mag so I think I do need to flush her what strength bites did u use mate? Nd I think its off the cheap soil aswell mate as my others are in decent soil nd there fine, its props head battering lol
  11. Henry2018

    Cal mag deficiency

    I bought some strips even though I have a digital ph meter as strips don't lie, its something to have just to be sure=)
  12. Henry2018

    Cal mag deficiency

    I bought some Epsom salts yesterday from Holland nd Barrett £5 for 1kgive got to pick it up tomorrow as had to get it delivered to shop, so hopefully this works fingers crossed. The pound shop have a big bad of Epsom salts but its fragranced, fucking gutted but my lass still bought it for a...
  13. Henry2018

    Cal mag deficiency

    Its weird man I've been giving her cal mag and there seems to be no different, but I did notice it all started after re potting.
  14. Henry2018

    Cal mag deficiency

    Hi just wondering if any one could help my plant has been getting brown and orange ish patches nd leaves turning a bit yellow and it is mostly on the lower leaves.
  15. Henry2018

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Wouldn't that be a good thing tho?
  16. Henry2018

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fuck off ya self I don't give a shit about america
  17. Henry2018

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cannabis church I want to go there lyk lol really hope they consider legalizeing it in January when it goes in front of parliament fingers crossed..
  18. Henry2018

    The UK Growers Thread!

    :bigjoint:Haha did u see them nuns smoking weed and growing it class man MD that 94 yr old woman cooking with it, whey aii that was class man can't wait for tonights one...
  19. Henry2018

    Having Trouble Germenating Seeds

    I had a couple seeds in a paper towel for about a week nd they didn't germinate so I thought fuck it and I gave them a lil squeeze, just to crack the seed open nd two days later bobs ur uncle sprouted lyk any other seed.
  20. Henry2018

    Phosphorus defiency I believe

    I have the same problem and was told its cal mag def