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    Droopy leaves, lime color

    you can some try some iron.. and do 18/6
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    Okay some one tell me if this is okay.. 3 20 watt black lights (long cfl bulb ones( and 4 75w cfl.. this okay to mix? will the plants pick up the purples and blues mixed like that?
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    some organic help..

    okay okay.. look.. 110 dollars is alot for me right now (maybe after this harvest.) But, how about some NEEM OIL AND SOME DIATOMCEOUS EARTH.. WILL THOSE WORK FOR ORGANIX? AND OR WILL IT BURN MY PLANT(S)? :)
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    Does any one know of a trustworthy spore site.
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    The best song when youre high

    MAGGOT BRAIN By:The Funkadelics.
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    Texas Growing

    and if u want germinate a few seeds in a damp paper towel and put in a plastic bag.. put in a dark area.. no light for like 4 days they will bearly pop out.. then plant them.. its what i do.. and all sprout nice.
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    Texas Growing

    bmize.. dude im from houston and i grow in doors (organics) and out doors.. If your just growing soil get some perlite, GOOD soil or compost, and some bat guano.. No miracle grow. and if u pm me ill tell u where to get some cheap ass fooking Nitrogen and Phospurus Guano like 4 lbs for 9 bucks...
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    ugh aphids..

    thanks you two.. Its my first in organic.
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    ugh aphids..

    well is this Diatomaceous Earth stuff organic? and if gnats should i get some sand? and what of neem oil
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    ugh aphids..

    Nah man they dont have any wings... they just crawl around in the dirt.. I tried to take pics but they where to small.. And they are indoor plants. and no holes in my plants.. yet... i hope it doesnt get to that point kuz i have some good seeds in there.
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    some organic help..

    Plants that Repel Insects
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    some organic help..

    ganjababy thanks much and c thanks much.. and the neem oil ill get asap..
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    some organic help..

    So do you think these little white bugs are going to harm my plants.. They are still really healty, and green.
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    some organic help..

    hi. im stoned. I have some girls planted right now and they are about 2 weeks old, but 2 days ago i was watering them and i found these really really white little bugs. I cant find out what they are or what to use to get rid of them.. I use an organic BUG REPELNT (dont bug me) but that does not...
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    ugh aphids..

    ACTUALLY.. i have these little white bug running around in my oraginc pots.. all through out the dirt... i really cant tell what they are.. does any one have in information..
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    What is..

    well shit thats good news :)
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    (1.Tupac) 2. DJ Screw 3.South park Mexican (free spm... YouTube - S.P.M. SPM Vs. Los) 4.Z-ro 5.Street Miliatary 6.Swisha House Houstone Rap..The real shit.
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    Dj Screw and SpM Houstone
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    Troubleshooting marijuana growing health problems. Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table and.. i think this one personally is the most helpfull. Cannabis Nutrient Disorders
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    What is..

    Hi. Im heading to Canada soon and im just wondering what typing of seeds do really well in organix? Any opinons?