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  1. E

    4 Months old, No signs of sex?

    YOU are using a veg light, 5500k-6500k. Switch the lights to 2200k-3200k and it will flower. The plant thinks its still summer. Once you switch to the new lights, it will think its fall and will kick out buds and such.
  2. E

    Plants are very sad----PLEASE HELP--1ST TIM GROW

    --See I read your post and learned something about the Blue Spectrum. But, if his light isn't a new one, this could be the reason for the light yellow look. Have you ever stuck a nice healthy house plant under an HPS for a few weeks. It will turn lighter yellow. The reason for this...I dont...
  3. E

    whats my problem? burnt tips

    Looks great to me. It's nearing the end of its life and the leaves will yellow and fall off as you get closer to finish. Good Job!
  4. E

    Wilting tips at end of plants.

    If the leaves are just bending down a bit at the tips with no other visual problems, generally, I find, the plant is telling you it has enough nutes. Any more is going to cause burn, from my experience. I just use normal water next watering and keep an eye on it. Maybe a small flush. That's...
  5. E

    Plants are very sad----PLEASE HELP--1ST TIM GROW

    27 Celsius is about 80 which is fine, its the night hours of (57F/14C), that may be too low for good root growth. The curls and folding of the leaves is nute burn. Are you using a 400watt HPS or MH? Looks like a HPS, which is not good for vegging. These plants are 5 weeks old???? If so...
  6. E

    what causes this

    Purple is either a sign of Phosphorus or cold temps during the night cycle. I've never personally experience this so lets wait for someone with more know how then me. Otherwise it looks really healthy.
  7. E

    Please some help would be highly appreciated for my strange leaves on seedlings

    Your NL is the same age as mine, under the same lights, with no nutes (FoxFarm soil) They look to be in a dead tie...but yeah maybe over watered. Possibly you just watered them and they wilted for a few hours and perked back up...lets hope.
  8. E

    Please some help would be highly appreciated for my strange leaves on seedlings

    Generally when the leaves curl up on the sides like that, its a heat/light problem. When mine were about 40cm away they did this. I backed off to 50cm and this stopped. I have the same set up as you, and one of my seedlings got shocked under the 400watt MH. He slowed down for 3 days and...
  9. E

    2 weeks old plant problem..

    Ok, first thing. IF you want a trouble free grow. Get a Red Hanna PH pen for $30 off ebay. If you aren't PHing your water, there will be troubles throughout and you will just bang your head trying to fix the problems....when the solution was easy = PH!. If you used tap water, it could be...
  10. E

    tips of leaves bending down, why?

    Ok. First the claw is nute overload. Generally its just a warning that it does not need any more nutes because if you do that part will brown and die. As far as the curling of the leaves...when a plant is to close to the lights it will fold up on the edges to conserve moisture. The edges...
  11. E

    Why won't seedlings grow?

    This is the time when I transplant into a 12 or 16oz cup. The roots need to grow, and those jiffy pots don't have the sufficient space for roots and they also take on lots of water. But 9 days is 9 days it should be starting its 3rd or 4th set of leaves. Put them in a bigger...
  12. E

    Seeds not germinating

    I use HydroFarm JumpStart. There is a dome that comes with a 10 piece set. Set that dome right under the lights and 3 days later, presto! I have never had a seed not germinate. Plus once I see the tap root hit the bottom of the JumpStarts, I just transplant into 16 oz cups.
  13. E

    Help for my babies

    I would also suggest more perlite in your soil. I use about 1/3 perlite to 2/3 soil to provide air to the roots, space for easy root growth, and proper drainage for stimulating root growth.
  14. E

    Help for my babies

    Hmmm, a little slow eh? You are only about 3 days behind. You just transplanted them, so expect about 3 days of shock and root growth. It will take hold and soon it will be shooting up. I use the same lights and make sure they are about 1 to 1.5 inches from the top. They should be fine...
  15. E


    Ok, where were we. Still in veg I think, so let's get that PH run off lower. Nitrogen uptake is best in a soil that has between 5.8-7. Your soil was a little alkaline. Plant growth is often reduced in alkaline soil, because water and essential nutrients aren’t able to easily penetrate...
  16. E

    Issues 1 month into flowering.

    Are these personal issues or plant issues?
  17. E


    How do you check the PH of your water? This is what my first grow looked like until I got a PH tester. Nute Burn/PH problem is what you got. If your PH is not between 6-7, your plant can't use the nutes you feed or are naturally in soil. Those leaves are brittle too aren't they? They are...
  18. E

    all around help plus pics

    ORRRRRRRR, I looked at the pics again, and it could be hot spots generated by the crinks in the foil, acting like a magnifying glass. If you are going to use foil, use the dull side and keep the wrinkles out. But personally I would get that out of there and replace it with flat, dull...
  19. E

    all around help plus pics

    I agree, Cal/Mag deficiency. Add some micro-nutes and will correct itself. As far as sex, the pics are to blurry and far away to see anything, but it looks like your plant is about 4 weeks old. In 1 week you should know for sure, and when you can start flowering =)
  20. E

    smell goes away?

    Yes indeed. The smell usually starts around 2 weeks curing, and gets better with each day after that.