Wilting tips at end of plants.


Hey guys,

Check out the pics of my grow in this subforum.

The tips seem to go brown the the leaf dies and drops off.

Any suggestions thoughts ideas as to what the clear white holes are in the leaves either? Im not sure if its just a crap strain or something but the leaves curn inwards as well.

Check it out and let me know.


Well-Known Member
you didnt link to anywhere or show any pics. you also need to give us alot more info than you have....temps?watering?soil type? etc.........
If the leaves are just bending down a bit at the tips with no other visual problems, generally, I find, the plant is telling you it has enough nutes. Any more is going to cause burn, from my experience. I just use normal water next watering and keep an eye on it. Maybe a small flush. That's my 2 cents.


Active Member
hey if your in coco give them some calcium, thats a big deficiency in coco, also magnesium. let the coco get dry before watering, it stays alot wetter than you think.

I'm in coco and i feed every watering but i use about 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes, also i use fat free milk for added calcium, foliar spray. (started using the milk because of PM, but it works so well and the plants love it, i give them some every 2-3 waterings.)


You poor milk in your coco? Yeah I never thought of letting it dry. I like to keep it wet so there is heaps of water for it to slurp up.

How much milk do you add in ?