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  1. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    This was the overwatering issue from a few days ago but maybe it was actually a toxicity causing the leaves to curl?
  2. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    Yes I did clean it but i was under the impression the the washing was yes to remove some of the salts but mainly to wash out all the fine particulate coco peat for aeration and that it was the buffering that strips the cation exchange sites of potassium or phosphorus I cant remember which and...
  3. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    I'll make it a point to get the meters as soon as I can for sure, I really wanted to in the first place. But just to clarify I haven't added any supplemental cal-mag that strong solution was just to buffer
  4. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    It is cocotek brick I didnt see if it was buffered or not so I washed to remove the coco peat then buffered twice with cal-mag at 150%
  5. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    Since I'm at two weeks should I continue with the nutes but dial down to say a 1/4 or just plain water for a week or so then start again with the nutrients at 1/4
  6. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    I thought the seed only had enough nutrients for 7-10 days and coco is inert so needed to start feeding earlier? But I did take note of the leaf tips. Should they be ok? The left one appears overwatered
  7. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    Straight coco perlite, watered once a day until runoff (tapwater), started feed at 1 week at half strength (advanced nutrients ph perfect 3 part) and I do not currently ph. The wife was getting upset about the amount of stuff I was buying for this setup. I'd come home every week or so piecing it...
  8. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    Straight coco perlite, watered once a day until runoff (tapwater), started feed at 1 week at half strength (advanced nutrients ph perfect 3 part) and I do not currently ph. The wife was getting upset about the amount of stuff I was buying for this setup. I'd come home every week or so piecing it...
  9. Juiceifer

    Two weeks from sprout not looking so hot

    So these broke "soil" (coco+perlite) on the 9th which makes them two weeks today and yeah.. here's the pictures
  10. Juiceifer

    Overwatered or lights too intense to early? Both?

    See and when I was washing my coco instead of running water over it through a mesh strainer it was more like mining with the tub filled and swirling the mesh in it I had to fill the bath tub with water a few times but i bet I had about 4" or more of fine coco peat collectively by the end of it...
  11. Juiceifer

    Overwatered or lights too intense to early? Both?

    And this is what I was leaning towards especially on the pic of the single seedling but that it was more the top node than the bottom made me question. But then of course the runt is just chugging along without a care... go figure :roll:
  12. Juiceifer

    Overwatered or lights too intense to early? Both?

    I only have the one space and the one light at this point in time but once I'm able to move this will be a veg tent (2x4x6) and will most likely double that and get a 4x4 for a flower
  13. Juiceifer

    Overwatered or lights too intense to early? Both?

    That was my assumption with keeping coco moist and the heat was an issue... I wasn't getting enough! I had finally gotten around to hooking up the venting to the attic and switching from a cheap wish axial fan to a hydro farms centrifuge even turned all the way down wasn't getting above 72-73 so...
  14. Juiceifer

    Overwatered or lights too intense to early? Both?

    I was editing that in while you replied. It's 300w from the wall white enhanced red led. And yes straight coco with perlite
  15. Juiceifer

    Overwatered or lights too intense to early? Both?

    So just the tops are turned down this morning. I got up Thursday morning checked and the coco seemed a bit too dry for how long I'd be gone so just gave a little splash to hold over till the lights on watering that night. That night the top of the coco had dried again so figured it could still...
  16. Juiceifer

    Cut down early?

    CBD develops along with thc it doesn't go from cbd to thc. Two separate chemicals among others that wont develop if cut down early. Not to mention he's wanting to cut right before the swell
  17. Juiceifer

    How much electricity is too much electricity

    A space heater runs 1500w unless you are running several thousand you wont even cause a blink
  18. Juiceifer

    In The Market for full spectrum L.E.D. or CMH.

    I ended up going with the es300 mainly because I was set on buying local since my state just legalized medical and had some shops to support (they also offer me better deals and rewards). I've only just got it and have only sprouted so far so cant say much on growth yet. But customer service was...
  19. Juiceifer

    help me choose my light and fan

    I second those hot Oklahoma summers but dont forget about the 90% humidity either lol
  20. Juiceifer

    Add More LEDs?

    Something like this is what I'd suggest also