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  1. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    Okay so it is a good thing i stopped using them a few weeks back.
  2. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    Now it's been getting worse. Could this all be from using molasses in hempy. I tried flushing, should I flush again? The colors are off so imagine the leaves as green and the odd color on them to be purple. Ill try to get clearer pictures.
  3. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Day 35- week 5 Watered 36 hours ago, full strength. Somewhat confused though because the purple color on the leaves have really been coming out on one plant and im not sure it's genetics. It could be cold temps as it's been quite cold the past few nights. Other than that, the buds are still...
  4. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    I am using a 310cfm fan and since they sent me the wrong carbon filter (I bought 470cfm 20 inch carbon filter) it was 30 inches and has a cfm rating of 650cfm. It is from LED wholesellers. This oder neutralizer I made blows out fresh smelling air but it doesn't seem to get it 100% neutralized...
  5. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Day 32 -Half way done? I almost squeel like a little girl everytime I go in the grow room. This is honestly some of the most fun I've ever had in my life. I can't say if marijuana is addicting but growing it sure is. Today I did a lot more branch management to try and get some of the side...
  6. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    I wasn't able to get normal light on the plant right now but imagine the dark spots on this leaf as a deep purple color, not the brown it looks like because of the light.
  7. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    Yeah that's what I've already done so hopefully it will turn out well but like max said, I'm unsure if the acidity from the molasses is going to stick around in the soil, hopefully the flush rinsed it well enough.
  8. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    Yeah, that makes sense. I'm just hoping it doesn't make a large impact on the yield, the buds do look good for just over 4 weeks, I think, it's just the leaves being affected at the moment and am guessing most of these leaves will die off in the last few weeks anyways.
  9. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    Now that I'm looking more up about magnesium I think that I have a Nitrogen and Magnesium defic caused by bad ph due to adding molasses and that lowering the ph more than I thought it would have. Does this seem plausible.
  10. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    Well the hempy I'm using is 3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite. Should I throw some more mag into the mix for tonight's watering and see how it reacts or should I flush first than do that. I will try to get some pictures tonight under normal lighting conditons. The magpro I'm using should be...
  11. lorax101

    Yellow Leaves and Other Discolored Leaves

    I am growing hempy style in a 4x4 tent with a 600w light on 12/12. The strain is Grape Stomper x OG and is a 60-65 day strain. I am using dyna gro nutrients at a 2ml grow, 10ml bloom, 4ml protekt, 2ml magpro in RO water, this is about 1200ppm. About a week and half ago I noticed that some of the...
  12. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Got my oder neutralizer set up today and I will be letting it run in the room the tent is in. I took off the carbon filter since it wasn't really doing it's job, it was some cheap one off of amazon. When the lights turn on tomorrow and I get home from work I will be able to judge how well this...
  13. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Day 26ish Some pictures. Think they are doing a little better since I watered them. Will water them some more in the morning. Still, the leaves are quite a bit lighter than they should be. Half the places I read say this is normal, others say that it is some type of defic or a nute lockout...
  14. lorax101

    Connoisseur Only! Muti Strain Grow Journal with Pics Attached

    Heh, know what ya mean. The reason I started a journal and hanging out here is because the wife was sick of hearing me talk about the different methods of growing and all that. We smoke it together all the time and shes proud of what I grow, but she doesn't care for me talking about it 24/7...
  15. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Thanks Skunk. Hopefully the flush I did will help. I'll try to get some more pics up in the next few days.
  16. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    PH is 6.0, haven't been able to check runoff cause lights are off at the moment. I'm only using The grow nutes, bloom nutes, and magpro. No boosters or other additives. I'm thinking the PH on that one might be off so I'm going to flush it wit a few gallons of water. After that I think I'm going...
  17. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Do you think doing a 50/50 with grow/bloom at about 3/4ths strength will be enough N, the ratios of the Grow are 7-9-5 and the bloom is 3-12-6. I'm thinking I should be able to keep the grow that high because of the ratios being like that without over doing it.
  18. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Day 23 Well the leaves are still quite yellow on the one plant. I found a new setting on my camera so it can be seen better. I'm pretty sure it's N def but should it really be making no progress when I just watered with some high N. Any ideas?
  19. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Mine got about 6 inches. I think you can usually expect between 6 inches and a 18 inches.
  20. lorax101

    Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow

    Yeah, I still have 4 seeds yet to pop, hope I get a lady out of them so if I like this strain I could do some breeding or cloning. Wish I could clone now but don't have the time/funds to start.