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  1. K

    flowering at 16/8 light regime?pics inside

    I'm waiting super skunk seeds that ordered a few days ago, b/c of electricity prices are very high in my country, i should use cfl's , i will put them under 250w hps when i switch 12/12 . No ı did not see any bugs, i check it out again
  2. K

    flowering at 16/8 light regime?pics inside

    I did transplant yesterday , i put it into 15litre pot and will not transplant into a bigger pot. I've watered one day before transplant but fucked up . top of soil dropped down , roots inside the soil appeared . one of cfl's dropped top of the plant etc. etc. :) anyway , plant seems very...
  3. K

    flowering at 16/8 light regime?pics inside

    Lights are mixed , 6500k ad 2700k , I've a few overfeeding and nutrient burn experiences , so i try to be very very careful for this grow, I give nutrients very less amounts bio grow and algamic 1ml/Litre , and do not give every watering , at most once a week feeding .Autos are really very...
  4. K

    flowering at 16/8 light regime?pics inside

    Thanks for replies, I still am feeding grow nutrients, i'll transplant into a bigger pot tonight, and switch to flowering nutrients. Bio bizz , bio bloom , and algamic i'm feeding , do you recommend to give less amounts of grow nutrient while all flowering stage?
  5. K

    flowering at 16/8 light regime?pics inside

    Hi all, I've a few questions. I'm growing northern lights , seed is popped out of a bud of my last harvest, from auto fem northen lights, i assumed it's not going to be an auto plant but i'm wrong as i see. Week 5 of vegging under 5*80 watts cfls, and pistils appear 2 days ago. Ligth regime is...
  6. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    Hi , I need help ASAP please, I think plant is about to die.I feed it with algamic and very very less amount of biogrow. Does it like nute burn? also the leaves curl down .
  7. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    Yes there are holes in the cup , So there's nothing to do now i think. We will wait and see what's gonna happen. Yes light is enough , 3*25 w and 3*24w cfls
  8. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    Yep it's the dried up leave, it's first true leaves , May it be because of underwatering ? I water every 2 days , and total amount of water i gave since popped out is maximum 300-400 ml , i'm using cannacure bottle ,spraying, for watering .
  9. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    Hi again , Plant is growing wierd , bottom leaves are yellowing and it's not gaining any height. I don't know what to do , here are the pics .
  10. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    I'd like to do that but electricity is very very expensive , 16/8 works best for me Thanks chairroller , I've never done topping before , i think this will be first (: Really? IMO ıt can go about 2 more weeks in this cup ? Thanks mate , i am just curious about height. It's so short ...
  11. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    It has been about 3 weeks seed popped out , it seems to be growing very slow IMO, what do you think ? October 17 , October 24 , BTW light regime is 16/8
  12. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    I'll grow just one plant , i may add another one later ,
  13. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    8 cfl's , 110 watt - 1500 lumens 6500k each For this night just two of lights are on ,
  14. K

    new seedling, right time to put under light?

    Hi all, I planted a northern lights and it sprouted about 10 hours ago, i put it under the cfl lights , it doesn't seem to have true leaves , should i take it to darkness or let it go under the lights? I'm sorry pics are not very good, it is so small and my camera gets older ..
  15. K

    Is she dying ? Hairs fall off , no smell no crystals wtf

    I'll go on growing at least 2 weeks because of smell and crystals, since it's popped out, it's first time i get smell and see crystals , also i'd cut a sample about 3 weeks ago and it was totally bad and bad I'm sorry what do you mean "frets" ?
  16. K

    Is she dying ? Hairs fall off , no smell no crystals wtf

    I think 75 days past after planted seed. There were no smell and cyrstals till now , but last 2 days , it smells very very skunky , and crystals appeared , I will wait 2 more weeks and cut it down , i will upload pics tonight
  17. K

    Is she dying ? Hairs fall off , no smell no crystals wtf

    I've pulled some sick leaves , Which deficincies u see?
  18. K

    Is she dying ? Hairs fall off , no smell no crystals wtf

    Thank you for replies, smokinafatty said what i wanna to hear , i do not want butter or brownies etc. I wanna smoke this product, if it is possible sure.. I will try to save her , flush it two or three times , and will do whatever i can do