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  1. bigmanc


    Id be surprised, anything raising limits or abolishing rules will take years.
  2. bigmanc


    I thought it was limited to 150g?
  3. bigmanc

    Big bust in King township

    Not special at all. Just been through the ringer with HC since about 2008 and understand the risk and reward of growing what I want in regards to current or future laws. Slip or no slip I’m growing more then 4.
  4. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    Lol respecting the courts ruling. How some forget how mmar was brought in and taken down.
  5. bigmanc


    Now that’s a good idea...if you can get past the 30g possession for the driver...bonus if med script
  6. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    It’s in the final interview with John conroy in regards to allard. 4-5yrs from allard...just grow what you want who cares. I’m not saying sick won’t get there meds I’m saying you won’t be getting a dr sign for a script much longer. Even the little grower realizes with legalization it’s a bit...
  7. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    They said it will. The lawyers that consult with HC said it will. The lawyers that got you our garden said it will. Take it for what it’s worth...just don’t act surprised
  8. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    lol annnnd the pain management group cancelled training doctors on cannabis last week. Some need to step back and understand they don’t matter. Canada doesn’t give a fuck about your prescription. They don’t give 2 shits if your in pain. Case after case, they do what they want and make policy...
  9. bigmanc

    Big bust in King township

    It’s fallen and continues to fall, for you not me
  10. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    I’ve got 9-10yrs worth of exemptions filed away, I’m not worried. I hope the 50$ ounces hurry up
  11. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    The thing is, I don’t care. I don’t care at all. Go fight your fight in court because your storage went from restricted to unlimited lol go fight it isn’t legal enough ahahaha go fight that the dozens of LPs aren’t enough access ahaha go make a claim it’s too expensive lol oh wait tousaw conroy...
  12. bigmanc

    Is clone or cutting sharing allowed?

    I’ve asked HC during mmar, plant must have roots to go against plant count.
  13. bigmanc

    Changes to the ACMPR - any truth to this ?

    @ALl super duper forum lawyers bongsmilie
  14. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    Go up against them when you loose your couple hundred plants. You will be steam rolled. You don’t have the million to fight and if you do it would be stupid to fund it. and yes MMAR was changed, just because there’s a few thousand still exempted doesn’t mean it’s for the entire medical community.
  15. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    Government doesn’t have to go anywhere to prove anything. They can change policy over night. We fought for MMAR, that was changed. ACMPR has been changed. Cannabis act will change it too. Take a hint, they always make the first move. hahahaha 4 years down the legal road your going to be fighting...
  16. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    Go for it, you will still loose. Your going to fight to say legalization isn’t legal enough. Your going up against billions of dollars in cannabis companies. They won’t allow you to win. You would be a direct threat to there profits. Fuck it, let’s say you do win. Who says the judge just won’t...
  17. bigmanc

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    “no medical value” All you super forum internet lawyers can say oh but we’ll fight it, WHO IS GOING TO FIGHT IT?
  18. bigmanc

    Big bust in King township

    oh ya watch the fuck out coast to coast. There doing satellite imaging of super grows. HC already has a list of the top 50 and I’m sure it’s going to be larger. The government is interfering with supply and demand. CP24 says surveillance and check up of licensed grows will continue.