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  1. 420man88

    Contest Entry: Followin' The Rules

    Sweet shit bro got my vote
  2. 420man88

    Weed songs

    Any Sublime, Zeppelin, Floyd
  3. 420man88

    Canadian Kindness

    (Canada) When i got busted with a half ounce they put me in cuffs for a few minutes then they let me go and just took my bong and chron never heard any thing about it again lucky i guess
  4. 420man88


    Some other people should post some pics of their zongs on here
  5. 420man88


    lol thanks man
  6. 420man88

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    ALIENS i tells you, you think some jungle people could just figure out all that technology aliens gave them the know how myan people have carving of space men different gods are just different alien people toying with us THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE
  7. 420man88


    The ash catcher/ bubbler bowl whatever you want to call it yea was seperate but i got it discount for trading in the other bowl it came with. worth it keeps the "twong" cleaner
  8. 420man88

    Contest Entry - graf

    Thats sweet got my vote
  9. 420man88


    lol thanks yea i got it on boxing day 25% off came to like $170 canadian
  10. 420man88

    New Contest Entry

    Krusty The Clown bong ha my buddy had that bong to at least something like it, it looked like a water bottle and you would rip it out of the straw out the top and it would twist apart in the middle to fill it up
  11. 420man88


    lol o yeah heres a pic
  12. 420man88


    My "buddy" broke my zong a couple months back but now i bought a "twong" a twisty bong lol
  13. 420man88

    Should i be suspicious of this light?

    How much is it running for? (canada) or (states)?
  14. 420man88


    They are all about 1 foot tall but should be getting bigger during the next month and a half of flowering
  15. 420man88


    Well in my Box i have 3 pots the envirolite up top of corse and a fan blowing fresh air in through a open side, and i have no real problem with smell unless you stick your head right in there. Prob Depends on what kinda plants you have some might smell more then others. Other then that i just...
  16. 420man88


    I am using a grow box like yours and i bought the 125 watt envirolite cfl and am having no problems with flowering
  17. 420man88


    I have some of those at my house, they are my moms lol never used them i was also thinking about giving them a try
  18. 420man88

    150 watt envirolite

    Yea you're right i have decided to keep them on 12/12 i figure they will grow the rest out over the next month and a half
  19. 420man88

    Some Help Please!

    Alright thanks alot i was wanting to know cause from what i can gather from other pics they need to grow some more
  20. 420man88

    Some Help Please!

    I am flowering 3 plants, what do you think about going back to more light?