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  1. G

    i got a clone to root, can i plant it now (pictures). thank you!

    ok thanks. i kind of thought so cuz i see lots of people that wait til they have more roots. i was just concerned about drowning her
  2. G

    i got a clone to root, can i plant it now (pictures). thank you!

    i got one of my clones to grow a root and i was wondering if i should plant it into my soil now or wait. the clones stem is hanging in a cup of water (look at pics), should i leave the root full covered in water, or should i plant the clone into my soil mix now? thanks
  3. G

    can any1 tell me if any of these lights are good please ...

    the one in the picture looks like hps. if they are close to you, why dont you just go down and see. not many light systems come with just a mh bulb. usually they come with a hps, OR hps and mh. not to often it is just mh
  4. G

    nirvana northern lights 600w indoor in soil

    here they are at 12 days 12/12. they still have fuck all for white hairs on them. the one in the picture is the furtherest along. all other plants still only have 2 white hairs per node. i kind of thought theyd be farther along then that by now, but oh well.
  5. G

    nirvana northern lights 600w indoor in soil

    hey everyone. i love the forum and decided to start my journal. i didnt wanna start it when they were seedlings, cuz i find that boring. they all look the same. but i have started flowering, so i thought i might as well start now! i got 10/10 nirvana northern lights to pop/sprout/grow. i was...
  6. G

    help friend got busted

    the cops would never break into a house, take the plants and just leave. they would definately definately arrest someone. you think they go back to the station and say "hey we got some marijuana plants, but no one arrested, but oh well, maybe next time"
  7. G

    First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w

    i currently have 10 northern lights goin. they are almost a month old and all under a 400w mh. i just finally gave them their first feeding of 1/4 strength nutes. maybe what you should do is transplant to a better soil mix. 50/50 is kind of risky i think. usually shot for 20% perlite in your...
  8. G

    First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w

    how often/how much are you watering? i kind of think the drooping is from over watering.
  9. G

    are my plants to young for my 400w mh? ( PICS )

    i have 10 northern lights from nirvana. about 10ish days old from popping out of soil. i got a 400w mh and hps, and a 600w mh and hps. do you think these are to young/too risky to put them under the 400w mh yet? right now they are each under a 13w cfl. i wanted to transplant them and put them...
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    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    i was just doing a water change in my piranha tank and the stuff i mix in the water is called 'nutrafin, tap water conditioner'. i add 1ml per gallon to remove chlorine and chloramine i never thought of it for the plants, but would it work? i am not suggesting it, or recommending it, i and...
  11. G

    anyone ever use google map to find there own patch?

    i was just wondering if anyone has tried using google to find there grow spots? just to see if it is able to be seen from a helicopter/flyover.
  12. G

    fox farm nutes questions

    i would definately not use nutes right now. way to soon. too risky to kill them from over doing it. according to fox farms you should be using big bloom right now??? no no. use that once you start flowering in the 12/12 cycle. i would wait till the plants are at least a foot tall (generally)...
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    5 weeks of 12/12

    they were only about a foot tall when we started flowering them. now they would be about 3-3.5 feet tall if the stem was straight but i bent it like an S cuz it just kept growing
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    5 weeks of 12/12

    here is my current grow. 2 plants of 50/50 x ww. today is the 5th week of 12/12. i vegged them for only 2.5 weeks from seed before flowering because of the height of our grow space. each plant sits under a 400w hps. this is my first indoor grow and it has been going very well. i have some...
  15. G

    my lowryder2 grow and experiances

    leave them on 12/12 stubbone. it will help your yield. most sites and people i have known to grow lowyrder have them on 24/0 lighting for the first 4 weeks or so then cut it to 12/12 to get a better yield seeing how the darkness helps induce flowering.
  16. G

    my lowryder2 grow and experiances

    looking good bro. keep us updated. i have just started up some lr#2, lowsnow, afghani ryder, and 3 way all from i will be making a journal on here once they are worthy
  17. G

    Afghani Ryder - CFL Stealth Grow - Jolly Smoking

    got any pics yet? i am also growing that strain along with lowryder#2, lowsnow, and 3 way all from soulseeds