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  1. W

    Very Small Exhaust Fan Needed!

    I am making a cab, its 32 inches by 15 by 15 inches. I need a very small exhaust fan to push air through a very small carbon filter I am making. Anyone have any experience, or know any very small fans I can fit? I am talking about like, 2 inch diameter exhaust ports. They also have to be pretty...
  2. W

    Does A Carbon Filter Remove 100% Smell

    Thanks for the reply, im planning on growing low ryders, hopefully it will work out.
  3. W

    Does A Carbon Filter Remove 100% Smell

    Does it remove 100% of the smell, or just some. Will I be able to have a grow with a can filter, and still be able to have people come and go without noticing any suspicious odor? I did a google search, and a forum search, but did not come to any concrete answers.
  4. W

    Leaving System Unattended

    Im not talking about my water res, im talking if I was to get a hydro set up, how often does the ph fluctuate? Would i get away with leaving it for 2 weeks?
  5. W

    Leaving System Unattended

    Hey guys. My set up right now lets me leave my crop for 2 weeks, I come home, and refil the resovior. I am growing in soil now, but could I leave a resovior unattended for 2 weeks and not worry about PH fluctuation? I have done hydro before and Ph did not fluctuate at all. I have never left it...
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    t5 Lights for Veg

    That is what everyone is saying on icmag. However, mine dont look to bright.
  7. W

    t5 Lights for Veg

    No, its a total of 2 tubes. I need something that has a low vertical height, and produces a lot of powerful light. Other people seem to have sucess with t5.
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    t5 Lights for Veg

    I have 2 24 inch t5 lights, are they enough for veg and clones?
  9. W

    Veg Room Lights

    Im trying to get some 18" to 24" long ,dual flourescent light strips. Im having a hard time finding ones that are that length, and carry two strips per fixture. Can anyone help me out?
  10. W

    Need to build a small "Mother" room

    Here you go mate.
  11. W

    Milwaukee Ph600

    It sucks. I had it for less than 5 days, and already it broke, and I cant calibrate it. Also, you cant find calibration instructions anywhere online.
  12. W

    Surviving Police Encounters

    This will be very helpful here.
  13. W

    Stealth Operations --- Suggestions?

    Okay, I got you homie. This is what you got to do. Go to a room that no one really uses, and when they are out for a day or something, erect a fake wall with a secret entrance. Pain the wall white, and cover your entrance with something, like a poster, or a shelf, etc.
  14. W

    Funny Shit Ha Ha

    Haha, thats very philosophical, but true. I was not stoned at the time, lol.
  15. W

    Grow cab question

    Chill man, ur space is about the same as mine. I think I can have about 4 plants max in there, but it depends on the height.
  16. W

    Funny Shit Ha Ha

    So i weight some of my weed i have drying now, and I started freaking out since i was getting little weight, something like .32 off a nug, etc. So, anyways I was all upset, thinking my total yield was like 9 grams, and after 30 minutes of stressing I realized that I had the scale set to...
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    quik question

    top when its in veg, or when you transfer it to flower. Topping helps keep vertical height down. Some people say it lowers yield, others say the complete opposite.
  18. W

    Inline Fans INFO NEEDED

    i think im going to go with a s&p 100x. My room is 35 cubic feet, and with a scrubber that should be enough to ventilate the air. Also, the basement air is pretty cool, so i figure it will be enough to keep the hps in its place.
  19. W

    Inline Fans INFO NEEDED

    Thanks guys. This site really has not that much info on ventilation as much as other things Is 4 inch inlet really that large? The inlet temps are really low, the duct gets cold to touch. I saw a 135 cfm can at menards, and I think i might hook that up to my scrubber.
  20. W

    Inline Fans INFO NEEDED

    well, il be running a 400 watt hps through a air scrubber, so i need something powerful and quiet.