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  1. K

    Should I drop the strength or keep it the same ?

    This doesn’t look like mute burn could I be wrong or is it light burn ?
  2. K

    Should I leave strength alone or reduce strength?

    Ok I understand .... Thank you ...
  3. K

    Should I leave strength alone or reduce strength?

    I went 100% day 8 of growing plants in general hydro chart
  4. K

    Should I leave strength alone or reduce strength?

    I went 100% day 8 of growing plants in general hydro chart should I leave with little nutrient burn ?
  5. K

    Need help ASAP with nutrient ratio

    Is half strength all the way through ok?
  6. K

    Need help ASAP with nutrient ratio

    *Currently using general hydroponics 3 step Is it ok for me to follow nutrient ratio on the package for autoflower ?
  7. K

    cooling 5 gallon dwc bucket

    How long did ice probe chiller last you if you don’t mind me asking ? Was it worth the buy ?
  8. K

    How long did your ice propane chiller last you if you don’t mind me asking ?

    How long did your ice propane chiller last you if you don’t mind me asking ?
  9. K

    cooling 5 gallon dwc bucket

    I appreciate the help man !
  10. K

    Will Chiller work with Dwc buckets

    I was wondering if I can attach the cool works ice probe chiller to a 3.5 gal dwc bucket without any leaks before I drilled a hole in bucket .
  11. K

    root questions in dwc

    Is it possible to attach the probe directly to DWC Bucket without leaks ?
  12. K

    cooling 5 gallon dwc bucket

    Can I attach straight to DWC bucket ?