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  1. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Nice mate heard nothing but good things about the cmh hi pars, should be switching out my 600 hps's for them next run. Or run one hps and one cmh side by side for comparison. Ultimately comes down to the minister of finance's ok. Or in short fiancee Only bad report ive heard is they run hotter?
  2. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Heres the product. You could make one, using standard bug screen or mesh cheaper off ebay. But they do work. I have a couple they do 4" 6" and 8" i believe.
  3. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    How many lights in there? Havnt tried the predator mites, how effective are they? Although been along time since ive had any probs with them, bug mesh duct covers seem to do the trick, for any external intakes. Although had to order them from the UK co uildnt find any aussie retailers stocking them.
  4. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ww×bb sounds nice, but in all honesty. Know nothing about the other two
  5. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Other than that in the 1200w area i let them go maybe only 50mm taller than the last run same strain, after week two stretch the lights are now tied to the ceiling rails second trelless layed and trained away from the lights, hopefully dont suffer too much heat stress. Lesson learnt dont flip...
  6. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Morning all, went against all good advice on here and made an OG Kush fem x Northern Lights male cross. Which became Turban OG. Started 8 in my small veg tent and have selected one faster maturing male and two of the most robust fems, to recross again and try and stabilize alittle. This is the...
  7. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Professors line do it,.. it works. Those ones probably wont catch the rest. But if you have a couple of girls 50mm-80mm under your main canopy. Make two mixes one with grow fast one without.
  8. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Little veg update after the girls got a haircut y'day.. using some "grow fast" on the runts in the middle, will be wall to wall soon
  9. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    These 3 gotta go, might take cuts off the girl back left, others will get binned
  10. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Got young girls in and outside, just didnt get the time to prep the spot. Some good cuts there going to waste. Would mail a few if i could
  11. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Just a small indoor bud, 1200w at the moment. Outdoor got left too late this season. Will end up cutting alot of babies down :/
  12. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ffs haha, no just dont like crumbs on my plate
  13. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Lot of smart cunts around too with fuck all shit to say
  14. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Aha question was aimed at someome who mite know what they are talking about.. if i wanted answers of a shit grower id ask Nonna nextdoor why her cucumbers arnt doing so well this spring
  15. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Going to go in try after you buy, ill post results or at very least some feedback. Got the room pretty dialed in so wont be hard to tell. Plus the old scalers dont lie
  16. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Dont know anyone personally running them but going off results and side by side comparisons on youtube, they look the shit. I'll probs just bite the bullet and give em a go next round. Run one beside a reg 600 and see if theres much diff
  17. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Just after a response before my Q? Got buried bud
  18. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Cheers mate, bloke at my local was giving them a pretty good wrap yesterday, from other customers reports. But couldnt find too much info elsewhere. (Brand specific) At $600-$800 a pop wanna know they are worth it.
  19. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Anyone with 40% less of a fuckwit reply? Not here for banter mate, after an opinion from someone who has tried and tested Thanks anyway
  20. Brigsy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yield difference compared to 1000w - 600w hps? Thanks in advance