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    What is this!?

    I have just noticed today (week 5) Brown spot/stains have just appeared on couple of the fan leaves ?? Any clue to why Brown spots/stains occur

    Topping plant??

    Okay thanks that's good to hear

    Topping plant??

    Thanks mate just what I wanted to hear

    Topping plant??

    Hi all I just topped my plant for the first time and just wondering if I cut in the right spot and if my 4 week old plant is okay I think had a bit of a stunted growth but is back on track now?!

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Have transplanted today into bigger pot and then I just noticed on few of the leaves tips are turning black ??I have slow release nutrients and ph is 6.7 any ideas ? She's week 4

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    No not a auto jus stunted growth I think?

    Lighting for seedling?

    Update: here is what she looks like now guys I cut the mutated yellow (dead) leaves of it and this is it 4 weeks now

    Need some help!

    Update: this is what it looks like now I carefully cut the mutated yellow (dead) leaves of and this is what it looks like week 4

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Update: this is what it looks like now guys I carefully cut the mutated and yellow (dead) leaves and this is it week 4
  10. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Yeah I herd there are better ones but at the time this was all I had to use and read a couple other threads of people.using it so thought I would give it a go hopefully it will do until I can next get some different soil
  11. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Oh okay well I did not no that so this soil is not good ?
  12. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    This is what it looks like now I think maybe the new set of leaves are coming good now?
  13. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Scott's organic soil 3 months slow realease organic nutrients
  14. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Yup will do.i really hope she comes good
  15. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Aw really okay feew was getting worried that might have to rip it and start over.i havnt seen much other pics like mine so wasn't to sure about it
  16. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Have put pics up now
  17. ETHERR

    Anybody know if this is fixable?

    Am wondering why this seedling has come out looking like this ? Anybody have any idea 16 days old Ph at 6.5 Organic soil Perlites 2 cfls (11w 13w) 1 LED (14w) Small fan Temp at 28/29°c
  18. ETHERR

    Lighting for seedling?

    I havnt fed her the organic soil I have has 3 months slow release nutrients in it and the only lights I have is 2 cfls and one LED 14w and put her in the sun out side when it's out
  19. ETHERR

    Lighting for seedling?

    Okay yeah I have a seedling 12 days old and have had light on 24/7 so far
  20. ETHERR

    Lighting for seedling?

    What's the best lighting method for 2 week old seedling 18/6 Or 24/7