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  1. twobyetoo

    FIRST GROW! CFL and LED in 2x2x4 tent

    also check to see if your thermometer is too close to your lights it can give you a false reading.
  2. twobyetoo

    One Light or Many?

    lol i have 8 23w bulbs on a singe socket using the splitters. I have two more sockets and many more splitters and bulbs. should be set. thanks for the reply!!!
  3. twobyetoo

    FIRST GROW! CFL and LED in 2x2x4 tent

    i was using a similar setup until today. i have a 2x2x4 tent with also 8 cfls at the moment and had a 100CFM fan as my exhaust and a smaller fan for the intake and couldnt get it below 84. Got my 190CFM inline and carbon filter today and put in on top of the tent as exhaust obviously and use the...
  4. twobyetoo

    Is my plant in shock?

    if its in a small pot, one gallon or less, and its been there its whole life, theres a good chance its root bound. If theres no proof of nutrient def then id almost bet its root bound. It will stop them in their tracks. I had one get so root bound, after about a week of not growing, roots were...
  5. twobyetoo

    Is my plant in shock?

    what size pot and how long has it been in the pot?
  6. twobyetoo

    One Light or Many?

    Has anyone tried the 200-300w range cfls you find on eBay and amazon with the reflector? Ive been eyeballing these but doubt their true wattage. They don't specify whether its actual wattage or equivalent. I thought about one for my 2x2x4 tent with supplemental hanging 23w cfls. Good idea or...
  7. twobyetoo

    Variety pack just arrived, which one?

    I've seen people tie autos down after about 20 or so days and the smaller branches get more light without ANY cuts or major stress to the plant. No healing needed therefore little stunting. Never done it but seen plenty of great results from compact plants. You really want to avoid stress at all...
  8. twobyetoo

    Two plants One problem

    i have no idea how long the photoperiod actually has left. Maybe I'm better off than i thought. The description says it flowers in 50-65 days. i did 12/12 from seed and its 22 days from germ and the hair were visible about 4 days ago. Now they are quite long. Any ideas on how long it will take...
  9. twobyetoo

    Two plants One problem

    i have a 2x2x4 tent and a photoperiod plant in early flowering with 3/4" long hairs i grew 12/12 from seed as an experiment and i have an auto about to push through the soil. What should i do? I only have one tent, which is carbon filtered, and its on a 12/12. I want to get the most from my auto...