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  1. S

    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    Used just plain H2O and they look to not be getting any worse. The smaller one I gave nutes to isnt showing anymore signs of drying out. Thanks again. Looks like Im gonna make it to harvest.
  2. S

    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    I wont.....thought I could fix it myself by reading and reading some more but probably made it worse. Thanks again. The one I cut early did produce some nice buds but I bet they could of been way fatter if it wasnt for this problem.
  3. S

    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    Thanks man....i really am hesitant to load up. I did give some nutes to the one I topped because that one is behind the other two and doesnt look as bad. I had to cut one early because of this and dont want to cut anymore before their done. Thanks again for all the help everyone.
  4. S

    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    I have city water that sits out for days before I use it. I checked the run off today of all three and their a perfect 6.5. I gave all of them distilled water today and gave them some extra nutes. I think maybe I flushed one too many times and washed out a lot of nutes. The buds are still...
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    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    You can tell from pics its not just upper part of plant
  6. S

    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    600 watt hps, not sure the brand of bulb. 4x4 tent with 6" vortex for outake and using passive intake since the other fan broke. Temps running about 82 max with ac in tent. Humidity around 55 max and light is about 12" away. Tiger Bloom for main flowering nute and have used big bud, bud...
  7. S

    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    This seems to be effecting the middle and upper part of the plant only.
  8. S

    Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.

    Im in week 6 to 7 of flower. Tricombs are still all clear white (30x loupe). I flushed them a few days ago and gave them 1 tsp of Tiger Bloom, 2 tsp. of mollases, and 1 tsp of big bud. Last week I gave them some Epsom Salts but it didn't help much. I am starting to notice a big deficiancy in...
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    Magnesium Def

    Just buy some Epsom Salts....Walmart/Grocery Store. Magnesium Sulfate.
  10. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Doesn't your 2 posts contradict each other. Any other good advice besides my plants look "flawless" and look "fucked". I just flushed them 3 days ago so I'll need to wait a little on another flush. So I guess you really have no clue besides their "fucked"?
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    Looks good man. I got all my fans on ebay and there good. Just like with anything you buy, make sure it's from a reputable source.
  12. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    UPDATE: Im in week 6 of flower. Tricombs are still all clear white (30x loupe). I flushed them a few days ago and just gave them water. Been feeding them Tiger Bloom, Big Bud, and Bid Candy every other watering. I am starting to notice a big deficiancy in one of the plants. 3 of them are...
  13. S

    600w nirvana nl grow

    Looking good man....time is coming soon.
  14. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    They dont really smell that much at all. Like you said, they smell when I touch them and smell my finger and smell when I move them to the bathroom to water. Other then that not too much. I cant wait either and thanks for the comments. There growing more and more hairs every day......cant wait.
  15. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Few more closer pics.....
  16. S

    buying seeds online

    Attitude Seeds is pretty nice. Huge selection and you can mix/match seeds. I got 5 different kinds (femenized) for $60 with shipping. I like Nirvana too. Both shipped to North America in about a week.
  17. S

    Anyone ever tried growing with a plasma tv

    Hilarious....won't work. Why not put a pic of a 1000 watt HPS on there. Or better yet put a pic of a lit up MH/HPS bulb.
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    Anyone ever tried growing with a plasma tv

    One of the dumbest ideas I have heard. Like the guy above said. Just buy some light. More effective and cheaper then a plasma.
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    Anyone ever tried growing with a plasma tv

    What do you mean? Growing with the lights inside of it? Doubt it would work. The basic idea of a plasma display is to illuminate tiny, colored fluorescent lights to form an image. Each pixel is made up of three fluorescent lights -- a red light, a green light and a blue light. Just like a...
  20. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    UPDATE. Plants have probably tripled in size in less then a month (see other pics in this thread). They have been flowering for about 20 days and have grown a lot. Had some curling problems in veg and couldn't figure out what the problem was. Now after flowering for a few weeks I believe it...