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  1. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

  2. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    I think I have been....i think it was more a ph problem but what do i know :-). I was watering a lot and then letting them dry but now I am watering more frequently but less and noe I am ph'ing my water to 6.5 with digital ph pen. Works sooo much better then the liquid test stuff. The fan...
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    I did get a new oscillating fan and they seem to be liking it, I mean the stems are bulking up a little already. I though the shinyness on some of the fan leaves may be due to wind but maybe it's the heat. I have to exhaust hot air back into the room so my temps maintain 80-85 tops. Would be...
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Thanks man. Thye are looking better in the new soil and I haven't fed them since being in there. I will put up some pics in a bit becasue I think one is showing sex. Right now they are 35 days from breaking soil. I got mine from Nirvana and all 5 popped but one broke off coming out of the...
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    I got a digital PH meter but haven't checked the run-off since putting them into Fox Farms OF. The new growth isn't looking too bad on them and they are definitely growing well. One of the four is showing sex (its female), the other three are not. They are feminized seeds so hopefully they...
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    ***A few quick questions +rep***

    I use a paper towel. Wet it down and then put it in a tupperware container with the lid cracked. Have had no problems doing this. Just gotta make sure the towels don't dry and if you water them enough at first, they won't.
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    FOUND, An odorless strain while growing.

    Cool....but maybe it does smell but you became acclimated to it. Has anyone else came in and said it doesn't smell?
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    Plant problems (Urgent)

    Not sure about the foam but why not just use perlite? It is sold pratically everywhere and isn't expensive.
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    plant is withering away!

    Looks pretty dead already.....
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Update: I started getting purple spots on the lower leaves on 2 out of the 4 plants. I assume this is a Phosphorus deficiancy or Phosphorus lock out. I was using Miracle Grow Organic soil but changed to Fox Farms OF (25% Perlite) 2 days ago when I switched to 3 gallon pots. There wasn't...
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    Stress in Vegetative stage.

    I am new to growing but I believe it can only because my friend had some fem seeds but had a weird light cycle and they became hermies.
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Thanks man....I'll be sure to watch that one closely.
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Updated pics.....starting to grow a little faster now. I topped one but not sure if I did it too early or even did it right. I just really wanted to experiment. The topped one is growing a little where I cut it.
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    New plants, quick question

    I am using 18/6 because i have been told that plants need some darkness time.
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Thanks man....I get so much conflicting advice. I only did it once and now the pots of water are cooled. My humidity is holding at 50-55. Appreciate the advice.
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Yea me too and thanks. Ordered the 3 gallon pots and will update in a few days.
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    The thing is my fan leaves aren't getting much bigger. I am getting new growth every day but some of the fan leaves I see are huge at three weeks. Mine are not. Does anyone know how I would go about changing the soil? I mean do I just knock off as much miracle grow that I can and then add...
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    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    MG = magnesium....sorry.
  19. S

    EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days

    Yea this help and I appreciate you commenting. I guess I get so freaked out when I see a little issue I just try to fix it. I thought it had a magnesium deficiancy so that is why I added the epsom salts on someones recommedation. They do look okay but just not growing as fast as some other I...