FOUND, An odorless strain while growing.


Active Member
I've been growing my Pure AK auto i bought off the-single-seed-centre even though i fucked up the lighting she's growing beautifully , small, but beautifully She's i'm guessing 3 - 4 weeks into flower, I really don't know when she switched she's 15" tall and has NO smell. None what so ever, Just thought i'd share with anybody looking for a strain with little to no smell.

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Active Member
Cool....but maybe it does smell but you became acclimated to it. Has anyone else came in and said it doesn't smell?


Active Member
My cali special in veg in my closet is stinkin up my room, this one has 0 smell with my nose pressed up against it. Nothing, As for anyone saying anything about it, its said at chopping time to have a grapefruity smell


Well-Known Member
smell is a stress reaction too, give her a good shake and see if you cant smell that AK goodness. AK is a very smelly strain in my exp.

early pearl, and some local bred strain called GFP(good fuckin pot; that is the name ) are the only low odor strains i have really come across that hold some potency to them.

but if you did find a low smell pheno in the AK strain you should breed it, that could prove to be a good cross, although you may not find low odor plants in the first cross, it may have to cubed than cubed again in order to bring out this trait, could be very recessive, since in nature this would not really be a good thing


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The ak doesnt really have a very pundgent odor til dried but it will come in full flower. You have it inside under lights since in the window like that wont get you much more then what you got now.


Active Member
Dude, Im like 6wks into flower and I'm growing a blue widow/white widow/ak-47 and two of the plants have absolutly no smell while my others reak, shits strange... But nothing a Good cure won't fix :)


ive got 2 60 day wonders and 1 dutch passion auto blueberry that litterally skunked over my apartment in a 24 hour period when they barely showed pistils. you are lucky

Guitar guy

Active Member
My white widow is about 1 and a half feet tall and doesn't smell THAT bad. I mean its there, and it smells good,? but I have to put my nose right up to the plant to smell it.

Try rubbing your fingers on one of the fan leaves and then smelling your fingers. Should smell like some grade A bud