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  1. lordofweed


    haha /\ /\ /\That got me laughing like crazy, ur funny man:mrgreen::mrgreen:
  2. lordofweed

    What have YOU been watching?

    i dont like your avatar man:spew:
  3. lordofweed


    it’s not gods vs. men, its more like demons vs. men cause the truth is there is no gods but the one GOD, and that's the god of Noah and Moses and Abraham and Jesus and Muhammad. jews may call him Jehovah christen call him god Muslims call him ALLAH AND HI IS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERS. They...
  4. lordofweed

    Time to make some opium!

    this song sounds good qB2BLMeYrAk I loved this song man, i been listening to it for hours now .:eyesmoke:
  5. lordofweed


    Cause they just serving their master :fire: and his plans And if u look at the pages of history u will know what those plans r. They trying to control the people’s minds and to control reality as we see it, as for the ones that know the truth they killing them with wars and poverty so when...
  6. lordofweed


    ^^^^ Finally someone who knows what he is talking about
  7. lordofweed


    Don’t get me wrong , am just looking at the big picture that’s all But again if ur a mason then u will never tell the truth about what actually going on behind the closed door, either that or you being deceived ur self. I mean did u ever wonder why the masons or other secret...
  8. lordofweed


    every man got the right to know the real truth so let me Put an end to the dividing lies, and let the truth be known! Watch this series and everything will be clear as the sun in a very hot summer day. here is the link...
  9. lordofweed


    here is the truth about everything and when I say everything I really mean that just watch this series and you will get it the link: PEACE
  10. lordofweed

    Statistic Proof Of God

    everybody please watch this series first and then tell me what you think. the link: peace
  11. lordofweed

    Statistic Proof Of God

    just watch this man:
  12. lordofweed

    Statistic Proof Of God

    sorry about the link try this :
  13. lordofweed

    Statistic Proof Of God

    sorry about the link try this:
  14. lordofweed

    Statistic Proof Of God

    WATCH THIS SERIES AND THEN WONDER here is the link: It's a torrent so to download the series you need to install a torrent agent like utorrent or bittorrent .......etc. peace
  15. lordofweed


    every man got the right to know the real truth so let me Put an end to the dividing lies, and let the truth be known! Watch this series and everything will be clear as the sun in a very hot summer day. here is the link...
  16. lordofweed


    u get it now
  17. lordofweed


    watch this series and everything well be as clear as the sun in a hot summer day. here is the link its a torrent :