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  1. elibaltutiimaidumituti


    in my situation, i’m past secret growth and trust me on this, this is a no joke serious gardening issue. don’t think for a moment that there isn’t a woman beautiful enough to walk right up to you with her eyes and her nails and whisper “take me to your garden” and you wouldn’t break like a...
  2. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    next time Ocean Forest until they are ready for Supersoil
  3. elibaltutiimaidumituti


    ok let’s just say out loud what we all know. the greatest threat to the health and success of your garden is called a new girlfriend. similar to PM a new girlfriend can be acquired while you are away from your garden purchasing additional items for the plants. new girlfriends could...
  4. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    Taking DWC SOG SCROG to a whole new level

    regarding plant counts... ok so i know this is just stupid but I’ve always wanted to braid cannabis like a braided ficus. you could pop the count cause it’s not three plants it’s one plant right? but mainly the goofy/silly/stupid side of me would just love to see a braided cannabis plant in...
  5. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    Taking DWC SOG SCROG to a whole new level

    it saddens me to see growers trying to pound it out for that magic pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. i want to see new growers trying to grow the very best quality possible. without quality no gold. supersoil would be my first suggestion in this situation. when i first moved to Seattle...
  6. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    LED - 660nm + 730nm - Emerson effect = WtHeck :P

    WORDS OF FUCKING WISDOM keep your mind on your money and your money on your mind this has been my primary weakness as a grower. when i first got into this 10 years ago, i was so excited and wasted so much money on all the new cool toys i could play with. this industry has a long line of...
  7. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    5x5 5k budget

    brother, i was just sharing that the light deceptively advertises IR when clearly science has established 730nm as far red. perhaps truth in advertising is something that you pay for.
  8. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    is moonlight beneficial?

    it would seem that moonlight does have a demonstrated positive/natural/necessary? effect on plant growth. reference the spectral chart and lunar phase plant response chart. i imagine a “moon light” system that replicates lunar spectral frequency at appropriate and natural light levels...
  9. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    moonlight and budding.

    it would seem that moonlight does have a demonstrated positive/natural/necessary? effect on plant growth. reference the spectral chart and lunar phase plant response chart. i imagine a “moon light” system that replicates lunar spectral frequency at appropriate and natural light levels...
  10. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    Why doens't everyone have an indoor raised bed?

    in my new flower tent (5x5) i chose the path of hanging a Scynce Dragon Alpha and 4 additional single bulb 4’ T5 fixtures to the light rail 3.5. on either side of the dragon is one Agromax Pure UV and one 254nm T5, for a total of 5 lights, independently height adjustable on the rail. Hey...
  11. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    Why doens't everyone have an indoor raised bed?

    LIGHT MOVERS ARE SO NATURAL! light rail just above a screen of frosting, SCROFFING? i just wouldn’t want to grow without one... however, since i am also moving my uvb bulbs on the rail with my light a custom attachment must be crafted. i wish that manufacturers would keep in mind that some...
  12. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    Why doens't everyone have an indoor raised bed?

    i will openly confess i have pondered this common bed idea for some time. i can report that when growing two plants in a large pot of super soil one plant tends to dominate the other and yield more, however, total yield did not lower so perhaps it was averaging out. i firmly disagree with...
  13. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    UV-C to prevent Bud rot and mildew

    i chose the clean light path and can definitely say that it’s magic. get under there with it, get in there with it, she likes it that way. at the climax, right before the end explore drastically over exposing and burning the fuck out of one test plant. burn her hard with uvc, most uvc lights...
  14. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    5x5 5k budget

    . This would be the correct photo to reference, yes?
  15. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    Rapid LED far-red questions

    this conversation is the growing edge. i’ve spent a minute experimenting with sub-spectral a/b/c, i now get to start playing with the 700-730 as well? Fuckin Wild! Isn’t nature beautiful... As always i remain a grateful student. Grateful to all of my teachers here in the emerald triangle, to...