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    flowering help with 2 plants

    2700k and oh my god stop telling me i need more light
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    you haven't helped at all! all you've done is complained about me. i ask for advice on the grow and i'm new to all this. clearly you're not and i've summed up about 7 pages of crap on the other thread along with some new info and new photos to one post which is shown above. and i said please...
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    First time flowering plants. Here is my story.. Veg 35 days 12/12 started approx 42 days ago but didn't show pistils until day 17 14-10-27 NPK Phostrogen all purpose nutrients started approx day 20 and watering each plant with 600mls every 2/3 days with the nutes mixed in 60/40 soil/perlite...
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    flowering - 2 plants - please i need advice

    Hi. Can you guys help me out a little? First time flowering plants and all I need is advice. Here is my story.. Veg 35 days 12/12 started approx 42 days ago but didn't show pistils until day 17 14-10-27 NPK Phostrogen all purpose nutrients started approx day 20 and watering each plant with...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    Stress? How is that stress? Normal sunlight would fluctuate and get darker quicker as the flowering continues. How could that be stress?
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    Oh and can someone please suggest a better nute for them I have been giving them NPK 14-10-27 the last few weeks. As in what ratio is best for 5 weeks into flower?
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    the haze without the light on is this trichome production good?
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    Changing back to 12/12. Had them at 13/11 the last few weeks. I read that helps with the start of flowering. I am thinking of keeping at 12/12 until near the end and I can increase darkness to 13 and light to 11 for last week maybe? A good idea? It could increase resin maybe? Dutch Passion says...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    35days since i switched to 12/12: 'the ultimate' 'the haze' there is 35-40 days left in flowering how do they look for such a small amount of light? only 78w lol i know you guys say it is not enough. i am having fun with this grow. it is my first so if i break even with 1/4 oz total i will...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    @mewk thank you for the advice. i am enjoying it. @sunnyjim i didn't do LST but i know now. i put about $100 into it. if i get 1/4 oz total off both plants that will break even i have lots of flowering time left do you guys not think i'll get over 1/4 oz?! :o no way! :(
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    I vegged them for 6 weeks. They are 100cm and 85cm. I have 100w of CFL in there. I understand that more cfls is better. Obviously more light means better results. But this is my first try. 4g max? The grow space is very small. Just a closet grow.. No light leaks. Lights are always within 1-2...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    that's why the grow has large yield strains. both are said to be heavy yield and they are both hybrid so hopefully more than 1/2 oz per plant. between 1/2 and 1 oz per plant would be ideal! thanks for the advice!
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    lol ahah i know my grow is not the best but it is my first and to be honest, i'd be happy with 1 oz per plant do you think i'll get that within the next 5/6 weeks. Can really start to see trichs forming now. Reckon the plant is beginning to put most of its energy into budding would you say...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    few more pics i took yesterday how are they looking for 5 weeks flowering? bear in mind both these strains are said to take up to 12 weeks (amnesia haze and the ultimate) and only been under 78w for the last week and 66w for the 4 weeks before. putting in another 23w tomorrow but even though...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    also is it possible yours is just indica if it's half as big? mine are definitely both hybrid. also i'm pretty sure plants are meant to triple in size anyway and mine have tripled since i did the switch to 12/12.
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    lights are very close and ive kept them that close since the start. always keeping them 1 or 2 inches from them. been using nutrients for a week too and ive noticed its definitely helped. watering a litre with 4 pinches of food every 3 days do you think this is good? oh yeah and i can't...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    Hah well thanks AimAim I haven't quite "dialed it in" yet but I'll be sure to let you know when I do.
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    I have 100w/6000lumen total cfl now. Is this okay? This will create buds? It's 4 weeks since I switched and 2 weeks since pistils started. How many more weeks until I harvest (roughly saying) ?
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    Here's some more pics. I thought the tops were bud. I thought anything with the pistils was bud tbh.. I've read quite a few people on here who have flowered with CFL so I thought this was possible no? Also I'm giving them 13/11 lighting as of today.. starting their 5th week flowering today so...
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    66w grow; 2 plants - Progress

    Actually I have a pic from Friday that I took of the full plants. They've gotten way hairier since though. And I'll get a better pic up later when they're not sleeping.. Thanks for helping :)