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  1. W

    what is wrong with my leafs..end of week 4 flower

    I use ff only.. The veg bloom and flower. Also use the powder Shit
  2. W

    what is wrong with my leafs..end of week 4 flower

    they went 8 weeks but I potted up and Gabe the foxfarm organic shit.. And yes the water boil advisory was over a sludge pawn for coal broke and the river was black for 7 days lol was bad I just did not know for a while.. Plants looked fine the others are looking better at least greener still...
  3. W

    what is wrong with my leafs..end of week 4 flower

    I added nutes after flush.. I was thinking it was salt buildup so flushed for that but added the food back to soil... Not sure what's wrong .. I'm starting to think half strength is not enough
  4. W

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    Yea need a water quality report...i say they will be OK till I pull them in 3 half to 4 weeks but who knows shit can get bad fast.....
  5. W

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    Tap has enough of that stuff in it so don't use it.. I was using water from the store and it has nothing in it so was adding the calmag
  6. W

    what is wrong with my leafs..end of week 4 flower

    y for my bad typing and spelling lol I'm at the end of week 4 and my leafs are looking like shit.. I veggplants 9 weeks no problem other then we had a water boiling advisory that never got posted or knew abt and It killed one plant and almost killed the rest they was 2 weeks behindrecovering ...
  7. W

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    No but have it using tap water so don't use it.. But first grow sense moving..
  8. W

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    Looks good bro.. I'm still kinda thinking I got problems never experienced this before at week 4 of flower
  9. W

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    Yes I was thinking where I vegged9 weeks I was under feeding never went 9 weeks vegg be4 but wanted to fill that screen.. One plant out of 5 is not doing that its green as duck looks black under led.. The deficiencies look horrible under the LED when I first seen it I was like what the f***...
  10. W

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    OK ty.. Never experienced this before this soon in flower.. At week 6 I stop feeding and then days later I get the deficiencies by week 8 it's almost back in to the buds it's showing up on every plant on most big leafs
  11. W

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    Sorry for my bad typing and spelling lol I'm at the end of week 4 and my leafs are looking like shit.. I vegg plants 9 weeks no problem other then we had a water boiling advisory that never got posted or knew abt and It killed one plant and almost killed the rest they was 2 weeks behind...