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  1. Kushtown

    Noob needs help w/Gender

    a few more of plant #1...
  2. Kushtown

    Noob needs help w/Gender

    More pics of plant #1....
  3. Kushtown

    Noob needs help w/Gender

    I agree. Plant 1 is confusing. I took out #3 and uploading new pics of 1 as we speak. YOU PEOPLE ARE AWESOME!
  4. Kushtown

    Noob needs help w/Gender

    and here is Plant #3.
  5. Kushtown

    Noob needs help w/Gender

    Here is Plant #2
  6. Kushtown

    Noob needs help w/Gender

    Here is Plant #1
  7. Kushtown

    Noob needs help w/Gender

    Hey I could use some help with identifying the gender of my plants. I've got three plants in my Aerogarden, it's my first grow, and I think I know but I'm not quite sure. I've got some real decent pics thanks to FilthyFletch's Macro Thread so I'll just post and invite everyone to offer me some...
  8. Kushtown

    Fellow Aerogarden Growers...

    Looking for some advice on my grow. Progress and pics are posted on "Marijuana Plant Problems" board. If ya'll could check me out and give me some advice I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
  9. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    Also, there are three total plants. The one on the left is about a week ahead of the other two. To me, the plant on the left appears to be female. Maybe the other two will start showing this week. Let me know what you think...
  10. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    Also, should I be pruning all the bushy leaves growing close to the base of the plants? Any advice is much appreciated. Can anyone tell if these are female? I haven't been able to find any male looking pre-flowers but this is my first grow. Thanks to everyone!
  11. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    ...a few more pics
  12. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    Thanks for the advice bro! I did just as you said and thought I'd show you the results. I changed the setting to herbs and my babies look fully recovered. About 14 days into flowering now.
  13. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    You are the man bro! Yeah, I too have been a student of all the aerogarden threads. I have the Aerogarden Pro 100 so I made the mistake of leaving it on the 24/7 setting. I already changed the setting to strawberries. Do you recommend Herbs or Tomatoes over the strawberry setting?
  14. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    A couple more....
  15. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    More Pics.
  16. Kushtown

    Aerogarden Sad Plants???

    So I am 4 days into flowering (4 weeks from seed for one plant and 3 wks from seed for the other two) and my plants appear to be shrinking? I'm using the Aerogarden with a 250w HPS light. Floranova grow and bloom around 1150 ppm Ph stays between 5.5 and 6.1 Temperature stays in low 80's I...
  17. Kushtown

    My first aerogarden grow please help!

    Yeah man, youre right. I think I used both the Flora Nova Grow and Flora Nova Bloom at the same time. When I say there was murky liquid I'm not talking about much liquid as most of the water was evaporated. I just got back from my business trip and my babies look great! I'm starting to get...
  18. Kushtown

    My first aerogarden grow please help!

    Yo, thanks for the advice. I was using 1/8 tsp of nova grow and some of that bushmaster verticle growth inhibitor. The reason I think I may have burned them is due to the fact that most of the water evaporated. I'm pretty sure my babies were drinking straight nuts because of the water loss...
  19. Kushtown

    My first aerogarden grow please help!

    Just blew my first grow. I went out of town for a week. I filled up my aerogarden to the brim but when I returned the water was almost gone. I lost three nice plants. I'm pretty sure they were killed by nut burn. I was using Flora Nova nuts. As the water evaporated it drastically increased...
  20. Kushtown

    Aero Garden Help 2

    Nice! Thanks Bro!