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  1. peri ferrell

    Take 2

    nice grow mr and mrs sunny. seems like you've got the united colors of benetton going. well done.
  2. peri ferrell

    I'm a stranger

    dear mr. cropper, i have recently set out to add to the world the wonders of sannie's seeds. three more killing fields and two more madshacks. the first two kf's gave me 8 zips of purple and green amusement park kind of fun. i enjoy growing even more than i enjoy smoking. of course, that's...
  3. peri ferrell

    Easy way to dry / cure ~15 pounds -- possible to use clothes dryer?

    you just harvested 15 pounds and you're asking for advice? god, i have a long way to go.....
  4. peri ferrell

    I'm a stranger

    i can't stop sniffing my girls anywhere else, that would get me arrested or put on a list. oh wait, just being here puts me on a list, doesn't it?
  5. peri ferrell

    I'm a stranger

    why thank you kindly, sir. i have gained so much knowledge and insight already and i must say, everyone has been friendly and even liking me over and over. i feel so special. like the kid in the short bus who pees his pants and gets a lolli from the school nurse. well, i'd pee my pants...
  6. peri ferrell

    I'm a stranger

    between strange and fitting in, i'll take strange. god, i love the strange.
  7. peri ferrell

    FIRST TIME ROWER PLEASE HELP. Need help with the hole LST/topping thin PLEASE HELP

    you theem to be ltht'ing just fine. sorry, i have a lithp when i type.
  8. peri ferrell

    Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)

    i meant to say giddy like a japanese businessman in a hello kitty store.
  9. peri ferrell

    Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)

    i did my first grow with cfl's and am about to start my second. four 85 watt at 6500K for veggie and then 2700K for flowering. two girls (killing fields feminized, one purple pheno, one green) for the first grow, roughly four zips each. so yeah, i'm sticking with the cfl's for now. although...
  10. peri ferrell

    Whats the spiciest/peppery bud u ever smoked??

    killing fields purple pheno is spicy like a latin woman. without the drama.
  11. peri ferrell

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    my girls smelled horrible after harvest during hanging and after two days in the jar, they still smell nasty. i swear, if they had vaginas, i would run in the other direction.
  12. peri ferrell

    Busted for posting to RIU

    i'm just going to copy and paste all of your photos. problem solved.
  13. peri ferrell

    Talking to your girls

    pfft. i have had to deal with bud envy since i joined this site.
  14. peri ferrell

    Talking to your girls

    i have a confession to make. i talk to my girls more than i talk to my wife.
  15. peri ferrell

    Sannies seeds any good ??

    dude, i have two kf fems in their 7th week of flowering, one purple pheno, on green. the green has a lemony bouquet to her while the purple is more peppery. it's my first grow so i don't have much to go on but the kola's are huge. i did lst wrap around (that sounds like something that happens...
  16. peri ferrell

    How To Get Rid of Gnats & Spider Mites

    concern anti-bug soap. wash, rinse, repeat. and repeat. and repeat. and repeat. god, i f'ing hate spider mites.
  17. peri ferrell

    Talking to your girls

    Anybody else just sit and talk to the girls everyday? What do you talk to them about? Do you warn them about boys? Tell them they are pretty and special? Do you scold them? Warn them about the dangers of doing drugs? Maybe you're overprotective or you let them stay out til all hours of...
  18. peri ferrell

    i almost killed my girls. and i didn't put the car in neutral and roll it into a lake

    i had a major scare the past couple of days. i am running two killing fields fem in cloth pots in a small cab with about 300 watts of cfl. very bright with one circulation fan and two intake, two exhaust fans on the cab. i was running a watering schedule of every other day as they...
  19. peri ferrell

    I Am Absolutely Amazed.....

    that so many of the threads and posts here are so coherent and thought out. considering how many of them are made during extreme levels of highness. that being said.... hello, has anyone seen my baseball?
  20. peri ferrell

    Pruning during Flowering?

    excellent. three out of four doctors agree, pruning is good for your girls i had a major scare the past couple of days. i am running two killing fields fem in cloth pots in a small cab with about 300 watts of cfl. very bright with one circ fan and two intake, two exhaust fans on the cab. i...