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  1. faded4life

    Help Needed With Clone

    straight water?
  2. faded4life

    Help Needed With Clone

    does it look like i'm watering too much/little or nutes off?
  3. faded4life

    Help Needed With Clone

    I cut some larger older leaves off this clone two days ago and this is what happened to it. Any ideas? Not sure what or why..... Thanks!
  4. faded4life

    Strange Leaf Curling

    no.....but I did find some spidermites when it had just rooted and was able to clear them out.....she stopped sprouting for a couple of days.....maybe re-vegging like you mentioned?
  5. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    thanks again......peace....
  6. faded4life

    Strange Leaf Curling

    I'm using a ph meter, digital..... so is this a ph problem or watering problem?
  7. faded4life

    Strange Leaf Curling

    Great, simple tool to use..... with this twisting ph or watering....if ph, too high or too low? Thanks again....
  8. faded4life

    Strange Leaf Curling

    I'm new to Bubbleponics using a GHWF and noticed that some of my newer leaves are curling strangely sideways.....any ideas what this is from? Any help would be appreciated.......peace.
  9. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    Thank man.....appreciate the insight.....I'm a soil grower converting so my mind set has to change.....I did get an airstone in there 24/7 and am checking my ph new air pumps, etc.....will drill more holes in the holder next plant.... the only thing I guess that is different in...
  10. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    did as you said and upped the times that the plants were being watered. Now my leaves are starting to curl sideways and some are beginning to get dark points on the new growth. too much water, right? what about the leaves curling so strangely?
  11. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    did as you said and upped the times that the plants were being watered. Now my leaves are starting to curl sideways and some are beginning to get dark points on the new growth. too much water, right? what about the leaves curling so strangely?
  12. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    Another bit of info, I rooted my clones in rockwool cubes and planted the cubes right into the medium (2 inch cubes). This will absorb water and retain for a while.....any ideas?
  13. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    Thanks seems like you know your stuff. I looked at the link but it doesn't specify timing. I'm planning on running 24/7 when blooming to take advantage of the drip (also, by then my roots should be in the resv). I'm using Advanced Nutrients system and am also planning on adding...
  14. faded4life

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    How often do you run system? 24/7 or varying? I tried 24/7 and drowned some clones. I have 'high' hopes for this system but need to get the timing thing down or else....
  15. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    Yeah.....I drowned a couple clones with 24/7 and began reducing the time until I started seeing growth from the remaining ones. Just wanted to see if there was reason to my madness.
  16. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    I have a GS Water Farm and was wondering what schedule I should run or my veg cycle? I'm thinking about running the system for 30 minutes every 4 hours during daylight and off during night hours? Any thoughts?
  17. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    I have a GH Water Farm that I'm about to transfer some clones into. How long should I run the drip and how often? I'm thinking half hour on, two hours off intervals and off during dark hours? Any thoughts would be appreciated. First time doing full hydro... Thanks,
  18. faded4life

    Spots On Leaves

    yeah....did spiders......been active using neem to keep them away...
  19. faded4life

    Spots On Leaves

    I'm getting some black spots on the tips of some of my older leaves. Is this something I need to be worried about or am I lacking something (or adding too much of)? Any advice?
  20. faded4life

    600W HPS Light Question a new one and will see if that fixes it.......