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  1. mellow j

    germination confusion

    I hope im in the right forum. Any ways, here goes. I need help asap by some ofthe more eexperienced guys. I recently recieved my og 18 fem along with a strawberry blue, and 2 afghanis. I soaked said seeds in plain distilled water in a cup for 24 hours, then to moist paper towels on a plate, set...
  2. mellow j

    hay smell. help

    Ok, I see what your saying.... What I was wondering if I went strait to 5 gal buckets after my seedling roots well in the cups, so that I can fill the medium during veg, while root growth is thriving... what do ya think about that idea?
  3. mellow j

    hay smell. help

    lay, post: 11453674, member: 834488"]I would go solo to 2 gal as soon as the roots start wrapping the solo then same thing from 2 gal to 4 or 5gal Solo straight to a 5 gal then to flower a week later isn't much time to utilize that much real estate you'd be better off going from solo to 3 gal...
  4. mellow j

    hay smell. help

    Great info guys. Thank y'all. I really super duper appreciate it... I was wondering this as well. Imrrunning afghani, og 18, strawberry blue, and white rhino. Can I transplant from solo cup, to 5 gal bucket? Last run I went from, cup, to 1 gal during entire veg, then transplanted to 5 gal...
  5. mellow j

    hay smell. help

    Help. Im on my 4rth grow. How do I avoidhhaving my harvested buds from smelling like hay? Mylast grow was White Rhino, and it smelled like pineapple baby shit on the plant, but I harvested and now it smelled like hay. What can I do to fix this?