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  1. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    I can’t wait to give ya guys a smoke report!!
  2. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    That’s cool. So I’m Mid-West, these are east coast genetics? I’m asking?
  3. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    Is there a direct site to Brisco or do I work off of D.c.Seeds only?
  4. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    Your a very lucky man!!!! I’m sure they are all keepers!!!
  5. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    Update week 4 of flower of the Carla Olsans
  6. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    I just move them lol
  7. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    3 Carla Olsans, they are the ones way in the back, just beautiful and putting on a show now!! Hands down one of my top 2 strains I’ve ever grown! Great job !
  8. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    I really want to get my hands on the blonde dreams and pop the whole pack and dedicate the whole run to them! I love their genetics!
  9. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    Really good looking plants man!!! Love the frost! I haven’t tried this strain yet but mabey I should! I got 3 Carla Olsan about 2 weeks into 12/12
  10. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    I’m lost?
  11. M

    Win Original Sensible Seeds for free at The Vault!

    Count me in guys!!! Thanks for the opportunity to work with these great genetics! Thanks for keeping it about the people!
  12. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    Nice seed cach
  13. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    I’ve got orange tree S1, I’m interested in your copper candy?
  14. M

    Indica Recommendations

    I like 9 lb hammer and it’s kinda cheap
  15. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    4 Carla Olsan ls are in there!!! They are beautiful so far!!!
  16. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    Update on the Carla Olsons! Fox Farms nutes this morning, and defol and lst.
  17. M

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    Currently running 4 Carla Olsons