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  1. Enzogrow

    Profit from Your expertise

    You sound like a real piece of "work" buddy.
  2. Enzogrow

    How bad is my plant's Nitrogen burn?

    Fed it urea (nitrogen only) since dont have any other supplements available in my place of residence
  3. Enzogrow

    19 day progress under 100w x 2 LED Flood + 45w cfl x 4

    Sorry I didn't quite understand you. Please explain to me like I'm 12 Edit: The bottom plants are the above plants, 19 days earlier.
  4. Enzogrow

    19 day progress under 100w x 2 LED Flood + 45w cfl x 4

    Just sharing some growth progress. Its my first grow and due to my amature light spread setup one of my plants out of 5 is lagging but will be setting up a proper grow tent in a week or so so hoping the one plant lagging behind will catch up.
  5. Enzogrow

    Indoor LST - Am I doing it right?

    Fimmed them some time back. You mean the top pulled down in symmetry with the main stem? As in, one constant arch that includes the top bowing down as well? Thanks
  6. Enzogrow

    male or female?

    What strain is this and whether its an autoflower?
  7. Enzogrow

    Question about water

    No idea about specifics but I use a three unit filteration system at home to make our tap water drinkable since our water supply isn't the most ideal for safe consumption.
  8. Enzogrow

    Indoor LST - Am I doing it right?

    T Thanks! Now I'm happy :bigjoint:
  9. Enzogrow

    Question about water

    Hi. I have a first grow at hand and figured id share my limited experience; Ive been giving my plants filtered tap water and they're growing a-okay so far.
  10. Enzogrow

    Indoor LST - Am I doing it right?

    Good Day, Gentlemen! This is my first grow so please forgive my ignorance. Just want your opinion on whether this is the right (or acceptable) method to conduct LST. Any advice will be really appreciated! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas :)
  11. Enzogrow

    Is my plant infected? Help with Diagnosis

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge bank doc! I'll do my best. The added nitrogen worked today and I'm seeing good health + progress however the white spots are kinda tripping me out. I spray water mist on them sometimes so is it possible its just those water marks?
  12. Enzogrow

    Is my plant infected? Help with Diagnosis

    Thanks but I'm not using any nutrients so far just the basic 6.5 soil. Today however I added a teaspoon of nitrogen with water for the first time. Not many supps available specific to cannabis plants in my country so all I have is nitrogen. Any suggestions on that? Danke doc!
  13. Enzogrow

    Is my plant infected? Help with Diagnosis

    Also general image of my poverty grow op, maybe it'll speak if its sick?
  14. Enzogrow

    Is my plant infected? Help with Diagnosis

    But doctor, what about the yellow spot? Isn't that the place where the suck the chlrophyl out from? Its me first grow doc, perhaps you can prescribe me some "medicine" if you know any from your therapeautic experience :p
  15. Enzogrow

    Is my plant infected? Help with Diagnosis

    I checked under the leaves and there's nothing there as far as I can see but the res dots/hives in the veins of the fan leaves are whats tripping me out! Is there a bug spray for paranoia? Edit: also if theres nothing there then whats up with the white spots? Although the bottom leave is all...
  16. Enzogrow

    Is my plant infected? Help with Diagnosis

    Plants are 36 days in veg If they are spider mites how can I combat them naturally without using unique brand pesticides? I have limited resources because of the location I reside in. Thanks fellas
  17. Enzogrow

    Poor & Lazy Man's first grow setup (please advice)

    Bury them deeper how? I transplated a few days back from smaller pots do you mean to fill them up to the brin even more? Perhaps a mound?
  18. Enzogrow

    Poor & Lazy Man's first grow setup (please advice)

    Soil is 6.5. I read that the first two leaves fall off and its happening to all 5 plants now hoping it doesn't catch up with the rest of em. Thanks for all your support + info! Much appreciated :)
  19. Enzogrow

    Poor & Lazy Man's first grow setup (please advice)

    There's yellowing on the bottom two leaves on all plants I read those tend to fall off naturally though I'm not sure if it'll rise towards the upper set of leaves. Skunk plant already has a significant amount of curling/clawing which I'm unable to diagnose since its supposed to be nitrogen...
  20. Enzogrow

    Poor & Lazy Man's first grow setup (please advice)

    Nitrogen for faster growth?