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  1. akadog

    thai super skunk in ireland??

    got my free seeds from the attitude gonna plant them outside to see how they do. germinating rite now. wondering if any of u guys think this plant would make it in my climate? any1 know much about this strain?:bigjoint:
  2. akadog

    18 or 24 hours light???

    ok am gonna try 18/6 to see wots happens. theres groves in the tray to cath runs offs it usly evaporates is this bad?
  3. akadog

    Newbie, plants look small pics...

    thanks for the replies guys, yea ive two 4" timer fans for ventilation one in one out and a 6" fan inside to cool the light an circulation. think i might have been over watering but am gonna try 18/6 see wot happens
  4. akadog

    Newbie, plants look small pics...

    ive just started my first grow g-13 labs white widow fem. ive been veggin them under 400w mh 24 hours a day for 2 weeks but they seem small to me. should i maybe try 18 hour light cycle, to give them some rest??? any1 hav an opinion on wots best would be great!
  5. akadog

    18 or 24 hours light???

    if just started my first grow g-13 labs white widow fem. ive been veggin them under 400w mh 24 hours a day for 2 weeks but they seem small to me. should i maybe try 18 hour light cycle, to give them some rest??? any1 hav an opinion on wots best would be great!