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  1. bake508

    Can Anyone Answer This BrainBuster????

    they look good man they gonna get more yellow but keep light good distance u be good and 48 hr darkness before harvest to get all ur thc into ur buds gl
  2. bake508

    Dieing, bad yellowing.

    look a lil thirsty and it wouoldnt hurt to get a bigger pot maybey even double up that one and just cut bottom off that will give u a much fatter stem gl
  3. bake508

    flowering /feeding

    u need some cal mag for the ro water and on the neuts i just bought growers bible and it says mj plants really can only take 50% strength of the bottles intsructions dep on strain too but i been using 50% and no probs plants look reall good
  4. bake508

    Plants are growing slow and leafs turning yellow

    u need to transplant into bigger pots and looks a lil over watered not sure if ur using neuts but u shldnt use em until 2-3 weeks
  5. bake508

    Black spots on White Widow outdoor leaves

    buggsss..get some neem oil spray them bitches all over even the bottoms of leaves u shld be aight
  6. bake508

    last 1 from my first grow, help all kinds of def

    np, glad too help man i was there too hope she produces well for u
  7. bake508

    Sad little bubblegum please help her

    yeah man too much
  8. bake508

    HELP..What should I Do.. ++ Pic's..

    buy some reverse from dutchmaster and keep pickn off balls. they reverse is used in flower to get bud w/ no seeds its how they get seedless watermelon...+rep
  9. bake508

    I think I need some help!

    they look thirsty too me bro...+rep
  10. bake508

    yellow plants?

    its all good give it time it will grow and mine where kinda red at first...rep it up bro gl
  11. bake508

    someone pleazzz help me with my aurora indica seedling

    id say they are root bound maybe how big of pot they in and dont pack down dirt in pot
  12. bake508

    Nute Burn, how long to recover?

    flush with some clearex then just add neuts at 1/3 strenthg for week too see how they do ...+rep if ive helps u at all gl bro
  13. bake508

    last 1 from my first grow, help all kinds of def

    oyeah bro almost forgot to say they are lookn good too. only seem lil stressed cause stems are purple lil superthrive cldnt hurt
  14. bake508

    last 1 from my first grow, help all kinds of def

    if ya got a hydro store around or order it u can get the bc grow package comes with feeding instructions and comes w/ some good stuff for veg, flower, seedling and clones its working good for me just started flower 2 days bro hope that helps a lil +rep
  15. bake508

    my ladies outside

    thnx i wish i cld take any credit but i barely check em and thats proly why they are still alive. i had 5 in a dwc in garage now down to last 1 has some root problems from temps and doing some noobish shit
  16. bake508

    Organic - Dwc grow club

    and then there was one lol good thing the girls outdoors are doing great!!! i still got those to look foward too lol.... one left has been the biggest since the start and always looks good when rest looked shity so im hopeing thats a good sign...doused whole net pot in h202/hygrozem water with...
  17. bake508

    my baby

    yo bro looks awesome nice fat ass stem..keep it up bro all looks good too me
  18. bake508

    my ladies outside

    ooops lol hitting buttons too fast here's pics oh yeah and this is my first grow
  19. bake508

    my ladies outside

    yo what up jst wanted to post up some new pics of my girls outside the 2 big strechy ones are free bc strains(free) and doing awesome and 16 weeks old. the other 3 are delahaze only about 6-7 weeks. they are in moist land so i never have to water and i just water plants with my old dwc res...
  20. bake508

    root rot pls help!!!!

    had 5 now down to 3 now..tear runs down face.... i had 3 chiesels and 3 moby dicks 1 didnt ger and im not sure anymore whats what but i do know that the 3 left are same strain lol that fnk root rot took over the other girls so i planted em outside in compost but they still look the same i been...