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  1. hippy132

    Blue Dream SCROG Help?

    Hot times, don't let them get tooo hot or humid, keep air moving and keep an eye on humidity, maybe 7 days or so depending where you are.
  2. hippy132

    Blue Dream SCROG Help?

    Nice, just smoking some of the same.
  3. hippy132

    Blue Dream SCROG Help?

    another week, looking great
  4. hippy132

    600 HPS,1000 HPS or 315 CMH for a 4x4?

    I run 2 at 600 watt but veg under a single 600 MH, get at best .75 gram per watt, but 600 watts vs 315 per watt, so you are saying that with 2 - 315w cdl's i should be able to produce double what my 600 HPS does, wow, I know I dont grow as well as some but that’s amazing to me, are you doing Hydro?
  5. hippy132

    Blue Dream SCROG Help?

    I have been growing BD for 8 years and always take at 63 days. But that is just me.
  6. hippy132

    THC bomb grow

    THC Bomb is small producer, IMHO, not worth growing.
  7. hippy132

    600 HPS,1000 HPS or 315 CMH for a 4x4?

    Ok, I think I read a bunch about the 315's but was wondering if anyone ran a compare for vegging clones. I run a 600 MH for 4 weeks then throw my bought clones into flower, leave the MH for two more weeks then go to 600 HPS. Will the clones grow as fast or nice with the 315's? Anyone tried?
  8. hippy132

    Club 600

    Looks like yearly fees, water, setup and property purchase would eat most if not all that up.
  9. hippy132

    Club 600

    If someone from Trinity county , growing , would explain to me what the new regs allow. I am not complaining, just wondering. I read some of the new Cannabis regs and wondered if and how 50 plants --- commercial grow-- can make money?
  10. hippy132

    Club 600

    Drove from Red Bluff to Hay Fork via Rt 36 and 3 and came back via Wildwood Rd , amazing area, Lots of farms and beautiful parcels. Stopped and talked to some guys putting up fences, Nice folks.
  11. hippy132

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    I have one of Docs GG4 that I planted indoors 5 months ago, put it outside in April and it is doing grrreat, although the heat is beating it to shit. Its from 3 or 4 years ago, I think.
  12. hippy132

    Club 600

  13. hippy132

    Club 600

    Looks good, do you use a screen in it?
  14. hippy132

    DHN - GG#4

    First time DHN GG#4 had great return, 6 ozs in 5 gallon container, almost too stoney to smoke ( almost), second time from place on the north coast and not as stoney or as prolific , but still better than most stuff. Expect big stretch and last three weeks to really fill out. Did 70 -72 days and...
  15. hippy132

    Club 600

    Sorry to hear that, maybe the plants were too large, Ha! Ha!, the grow is looking great, good weather be coming hope you have a successful summer and maybe even get to enjoy the day occasionally. r
  16. hippy132

    Breeders Boutique

    No, has a button on the bottom that cleans the leftovers off the blades.
  17. hippy132

    Clone only strains

    Do you take it appart and clean it when you are done. I inly do 5 gallons at a time but never have had an issue.
  18. hippy132

    Club 600

    Looking great as usual, but no Blue DReam?
  19. hippy132

    Breeders Boutique

    Just got new Sharper that has button to clean, very cool
  20. hippy132

    Club 600

    I let a bud sit out and dry for a whole day tthen no issues with stickiness